Part 8

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When I woke up the next morning, I found myself entangled with Shahmeer's body. My leg was intertwined with his, and his arm was wrapped around my waist. I had no idea how we ended up in this position since I had gone to sleep on the edge of the bed. Somehow, I had moved over to Shahmeer's side during the night. Shahmeer, on the other hand, was still in his spot, and I had unconsciously moved into his space.

The memory of the previous night's events flooded back to me. After dinner, Shahmeer had wanted to consummate our marriage because he needed an heir. But I had refused, telling him that this wasn't the right place. Shahmeer must think I'm a little girl who would agree to bear his child just because he asked. But he doesn't know the truth-I can never be a mother. Yes, it's true, I am infertile. Only a miracle could make me a mother.

I had agreed to give him an heir because I knew it was the only way to get my father's company. Shahmeer is the only person who can get it for me within a month. That's why I agreed. Despite knowing I can't actually fulfill my promise, I needed him to believe that I could. It was a desperate attempt to secure my father's company before my cunning uncle could get his hands on it completely. My infertility is my deepest secret, one that I haven't shared with anyone, not even my closest friends.

The thought of confessing this to Shahmeer made my heart heavy. How could I tell him that all his hopes for an heir were in vain? That I was deceiving him, not out of malice, but out of necessity. I needed my father's company to secure my future, to ensure that I could stand on my own feet without being dependent on anyone, especially not Shahmeer or my uncle.

I slowly and carefully removed my leg from between Shahmeer's and lifted his arm from around my waist. Just as I was about to slip away, Shahmeer suddenly woke up. He grabbed my arm, pulling me down beneath him, hovering over me. I tried to push him away with my hands, but he pinned them above my head. I looked up at his face, which was still sleepy with disheveled hair and an unruly beard. He applied slight pressure to my wrists and asked, "Where were you going?"

Annoyed, I replied, "What do you mean, where was I going? I was going to the bathroom." I gave him a light kick with my leg, but he didn't budge. "Shahmeer, let me go."

Shahmeer gave me a sinister smile and said, "Moya zhena, you made a deal to give me an heir. Will you still say this when I am buried deep inside you?" I stayed silent, and he continued, "Maha, let me tell you one thing: you can't back out of this deal now."

"I am not backing out, Shahmeer. I just want to enjoy the Greece trip, not-" I stopped short, realizing I had said too much.

"Go on," Shahmeer urged.

I licked my lips nervously and said, "Shahmeer, if you want an heir so badly, you can force yourself on me, but I won't consummate this marriage on this trip."

Shahmeer laughed and said, "Maha, if I wanted to force myself on you, I would have done it by now. After all, you are just a powerless woman in front of me." He then lifted my shirt slightly and ran his rough palm over my stomach and waist. Shahmeer's words were true; he could force himself if he wanted. Even last night, when I told him I didn't want to do it, he didn't force me. He just said we would consummate when I was ready.

My chain of thoughts was broken when Shahmeer said, "I thought we could enjoy our honeymoon differently." He leaned closer to my face and stared at my lips. Nervously, I bit my lower lip. There was something dark and sinister in his eyes. To distract him, I said, "Fake marriage honeymoon, Shahmeer."

He released my hands and slammed his fist against the bed's headboard. "This is not a fake marriage. You are legally my wife; don't forget that. If you call our marriage fake again, you will see a different side of me, Moya zhena."

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