Part 7

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Maha's pov:

As I gradually came to consciousness, a throbbing pain coursed through my head and my body felt sore. The room was unfamiliar, and as my eyes adjusted to the dim light, I realized I was not in my own bedroom. I was in Shahmeer’s room. Panic flickered within me, and I glanced to the side of the bed, expecting to see him. But the space beside me was empty. He was already up. The sound of water running from the bathroom indicated he was taking a shower.

The events of the previous night began to resurface in my mind. I had confided in Shahmeer about how his younger brother, Zayan, had attempted to rape me. I had been terrified and shaken, and somehow, in my vulnerability, I found myself seeking comfort in Shahmeer. I had asked him to stay with me through the night. I remembered curling up in his arms, feeling a strange sense of safety despite my anger and hatred towards him. Recalling these moments, a wave of embarrassment washed over me, and I felt my cheeks burn with the intensity of my emotions.

Why did I feel such contradictory emotions towards Shahmeer? On one hand, I despised him. I hated how he had always tried to control and manipulate me. He was arrogant, overbearing, and, Yet, whenever he was near, my resolve seemed to melt away. His presence had a strange effect on me, making me forget the anger and hatred I harbored. It was as if he cast a spell on me, and I was helpless against it.

I tried to recall every detail of last night. The fear in my heart as I told him about Zayan, the way he had held me close and reassured me that he would protect me. There was an intensity in his eyes, a silent promise that he would never let anything happen to me. For a moment, in his arms, I felt protected, cherished even. But now, in the cold light of morning, I was ashamed of how vulnerable I had been. I had shown him a side of me I had never intended to reveal.

I got up from the bed, my movements tentative as I made my way to the door. I intended to leave the room, to escape the awkwardness of facing Shahmeer after last night. But something inside me resisted. I wanted to know more about him, to understand who Shahmeer Khan really was. With a sense of curiosity driving me, I decided to explore his room.

First, I checked the drawers beside his bed. They were mostly empty, containing just a few tablets and some unimportant items. Disappointed, I turned my attention to his walk-in closet. The closet was filled with clothes, shoes, and various types of watches. His lifestyle suggested wealth and sophistication. Shahmeer was clearly a man of means, a millionaire at the very least.

As I continued searching through his closet, hoping to find something that would reveal more about him, my eyes landed on a small drawer tucked away in a corner. I approached it, my heart beating faster with anticipation. When I opened the drawer, I found several papers. My curiosity piqued, I began to sift through them. One document caught my eye – it was labeled "Marriage Papers." I picked it up, my mind racing with questions about Shahmeer’s past and his secrets.

Before I could read further, a voice interrupted my thoughts. "What are you doing here, moya zhena?" Startled, I dropped the papers. I turned around to face Shahmeer, who stood at the entrance of the closet, a towel wrapped around his lower body. Water dripped from his hair onto his chest, trailing down his abs and disappearing into his V-line. The sight of him standing there, half-naked and imposing, made my heart skip a beat.

I scrambled for an excuse, anything to explain why I was snooping in his private space. "You call me your wife, but you can’t tolerate me exploring your room a little? I was curious, so I thought I’d have a look around," I replied, trying to sound nonchalant.

Shahmeer looked at me for a moment, his gaze piercing. Then, a smile played on his lips. "You spent your first night in this room, moya zhena. Why didn’t you explore it then? Why only now?" His question hung in the air, and I had no answer for it. I lowered my eyes, unable to meet his intense gaze.

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