Part 6

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Shahmeer's pov:

I had been standing outside Maha's room for the past ten minutes, but I couldn't bring myself to go in. It wasn't because I was afraid of her; it was because of what she had said to me last night. She told me she would show me the extent of her hatred, and that was something I couldn't bear. I didn't want Maha to hate me. I wanted her to love me with the same intensity that I loved her.

Last night, Maha discovered the truth about me. She found out that Zayan is my brother, and that knowledge had shattered whatever image she had of me. She despises men like us, and that meant she now probably despised me too. The thought of her hating me was unbearable, but I knew I couldn't let this be the end. I had to find a way to make her understand that I wasn't like Zayan. I wasn't a monster.

I knocked on Maha's room door, but there was no response. I knocked again, hoping to hear her voice, but still, there was nothing. Hesitating for a moment, I turned the knob, and to my surprise, the door wasn't locked. As I entered the room, I realized it was empty, but the sound of running water from the bathroom indicated she was most likely taking a shower. I quietly sat down on her bed, my mind swirling with thoughts about how I would make amends.

Maha had discovered the truth about me, about my connection to Zayan, and it had shattered her trust. I knew how strong-willed she was, how she never backed down from anything once she set her mind to it. Her strength was one of the things I admired most about her. She wasn't afraid of me, and I didn't want her to be. Unlike others who feared me because of my reputation, I wanted Maha to see me differently. She was my wife, and she was special to me in ways no one else could ever be.

From the moment I saw her, I knew she was different. Her resilience, her courage, and her ability to stand up for herself were qualities I deeply respected. But now, those very qualities were the barriers I had to overcome to win back her trust. I needed to prove to her that I wasn't the monster she might think I was, that I wasn't like Zayan.

My thoughts were abruptly interrupted when I heard the bathroom door open. Maha stepped out, wearing nothing but a bathrobe. Water dripped from her wet hair, tracing a path down to the valley between her breasts. When she saw me, she froze in place, her eyes locking onto mine with a mix of surprise and wariness. For a moment, she simply observed me, taking in my presence. Then, she spoke, her voice cold and measured, "What are you doing here?"

I rose from the bed and walked towards her. She didn't move, her chin lifted defiantly as she stood her ground. Her gaze was intense, filled with a mixture of emotions I couldn't fully decipher. "I need to talk to you," I said, my voice steady but tinged with desperation.

She scoffed, her expression hardening further. "I won't talk to a murderer," she retorted, her words cutting deep. She turned to walk towards her closet, but I acted on instinct, grabbing her arm and pulling her towards me. She stumbled slightly, her body colliding with my chest. For a brief moment, we were pressed together, her breath hitching at the sudden proximity.

Just then, Maha pushed me back with force and said, "From now on, don't touch me without my permission, Shahmeer Khan," she demanded, her voice shaking with intensity. I could feel the weight of her words pressing down on me, but I needed to explain myself. "Alright, Moya zhena, but at least hear me out," I pleaded, hoping to calm her down.

Her response was immediate and piercing. "I don't want to hear any of your nonsense, Shahmeer! Get out of my room!" Her shout echoed in my ears. No one had ever spoken to me in this manner before, and those who had tried, I had made sure they regretted it. But this was Maha. Despite her harsh words, I couldn't bring myself to feel hurt. Instead, I found myself more determined to clear the air. "Moya zhena , please, just listen to me once," I begged, my voice tinged with desperation.

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