°•.Memories that hunt.•°

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Let's dig onto the story

[ (Quick recap:-)
Gojo - to lit up your mood let's go get some ice-cream
Y/n - your treat ?
Gojo - definitely anything for you
Y/n - gentleman I like it
Gojo - that's a relief ]


Now (I mean present time):-

Y/n - what is a relief

Gojo - that you like me

Y/n - I didn't say that

Gojo - so you don't like me ?

Y/n - I didn't say that either

Gojo - you are driving me insane nini

Y/n - I know I'm hot

Gojo - who says that????

Y/n - huh everyone

Gojo - they are definitely blind then

Y/n - toru I'll kill you

Gojo - I would love to die from your hand's

Y/n - Sir are you flirting with me???? Hah

Gojo - what if I say yes

Y/n - shut up Toru
Look there is a icecream truck let's go naaaa

Gojo - but you said you don't like me then why should I came with you?

Y/n - toruuuu pleaseeee na
Yea I don't like you but I lov- I mean I like you
You are my friend I like you so so so so soooo muchhhhhh

Gojo - let's go

Y/n - yeahhhhh

Gojo- everyone thinks you are so mature and bold
But they didn't know you are actually a baby........... My baby*he again wisper the last part*

Y/n - yea yea only for yo- I mean let's goo

(((then they went to get some ice-cream
Gojo got the strawberry flavour and y/n got the chocolate flavour they were eating silently sitting on a bench beside the pond of the park there were not so many people in the park
Don't know why they must be busy
So, then our dear gojo saturo ask our main lead)))

Gojo POV:-

Me - nini
*Asks so softly*

Y/n - hmm

Me - you fine now I mean are you still sad

Y/n - yes I'm

Gojo - don't lie nini I can read you like a open book now tell me

Y/n - to be honest I'm not sad I'm just kinda mad on the higher up
They seriously didn't do anything when my dad was trying so hard to prove that our clan is not a curse and they seriously didn't do
And stop reading me like a book

Gojo - nini *held y/n hand softly* if you wanna cry I'm here

Y/n - u know toru when I was at Seoul with mumma after I left from here.
I just let it hurt until it can't hurt anymore

Gojo - but now I'm here you don't need to suffer all alone and those memories that hunt you I am here to solve your every single problem. Even if I had to gave up my life I'm ready just for your happiness nini
You are the world to me

Y/n - I'm so blessed to have you toru.
You know sometimes being with your bestfriend is all the therapy you need
And you prove my decision wrong....and don't say that word again

Gojo - what decision nini and what word

Y/n - my decision of leaving from jujutsu... I know if you were here at that time you won't let me go

Her Weakness  ||Gojo Saturo x y/n||Where stories live. Discover now