°•.Kyoto Event (1).•°

29 3 2


Let's dig gig onto the stary

[(Quick recap):-
Panda - Oooooo
Both are with each other all alone~~~~
Inumaki - salmon
Y/n - what toge inumaki you too with them
And for your kind information we were at a meeting with yaga
Gojo - *just laughed*

Now (I mean present time) -

Author nim POV:-
Then our sweet and spicy couple I mean gojo and Tsuguki went to get ready for the event as there are only few hours left for the event and Kyoto school students and quarry has already arrived to Tokyo
And here is our y/n getting ready

Y/n POV:-
I am at my home right now sorry at my mansion and I'm wearing a black dress to my thighs length along with the pair of long black boots to my knee lengths


Akane - what

Y/n - why are you shouting

Akane - you are the one who is shouting I'm not  shouting

Y/n - ahhh
tell me how am I looking?????

Akane - good as always
But why are you wearing this I mean is there something special in that event

Y/n - yea gojo must be there to na so I gotta look decent

Akane - woahhhh

Y/n - I-I mean that's a

Akane - yea that's a what?

Y/n - nothing I need to go otherwise I'll be late

Akane - I got my answer y/n
Someone in love

Y/n - shut up akane

((( Then y/n left from there
And went to Saturo where Yuji is also ready to gave the surprise to his fellow mates )))

Y/n - how's everything going guys

Yuji - oo y/n Damnn y/n you are looking so cuteeeeeeeeeee

Gojo - close your mouth otherwise a fly will go inside

Yuji - OwO

Y/n - thankxx Yuji

Gojo - y/n I need to talk

Y/n - we will later toru

Yuji - let's goo

Y/n - yea let's go

Gojo - y/n!!!

Y/n - toru

(((Then gojo drag y/n from there and Yuji was left again dumbfounded
Now with gojo and y/n)))

Gojo POV:-

Y/n - we are matching toru look black and black

Me - yea we are and
Why are you wearing this

Y/n - what's wrong in this

Me - that's a date outfit not a event outfit nini

Y/n - I know but I thought I'll wear this. Am I not looking good????

Me - definitely you are looking more than good
But I thought you gonna wear this when we will go on a date

Y/n - what which date???
And just more than good???

Me - let it be and let just go to the field area
And you are looking hot in this one

Me - there must be todou too I guess nini*smirking*

Her Weakness  ||Gojo Saturo x y/n||Where stories live. Discover now