°•.Kyoto event (2).•°

18 2 6



Let's dig onto the staryyyyy

[(Quick recap :-
Gakuganji - NO
Y/n - I'M
*She left from there*
Gakuganji - she never listen to anybody here
Gojo - sit down old man
I can't see the screen

Now (I mean present time):-

Gakuganji - these two are the worst in Jujutsu tech
They don't even listen

Gojo - ahhh sit down oldie I can't see anything

Gakuganji - can't be quite for some moment

Gojo - No I can't
If it's you

Gakuganji - you bloody brat

Yaga - enough for now
Let's focus on the challange

At the field area:-

Megumi - they are going at the wrong direction

Maki - but why?

Megumi - is it can be

Maki - what no
They can't try to kill him

Nobara - what kill? Who?

Panda - they are trying to clear Yuji from their way

Inumaki - kelp

Megumi - don't worry
They can't do anything to Yuji

Maki - and why tho??

Megumi - because of his un-human powe--

*Then y/n pop out of nowhere just God knows where*

Y/n - cause I'm here

Inumaki - Salomon??

Y/n - toge I'll tell you and you all too later
now tell me where is Yuji and toudou

Megumi - they are behind us
I mean just few kilo meters away from here

Y/n - then I'm going there

Nobara - y/n

Y/n - don't worry he will be fine

Author nim POV:-
Then y/n left from there and went to the area where Yuji and toudou were fighting
Then y/n

Y/n POV:-

Y/n - Oi
Be careful I'm here too toudou aoi

Aoi - quite a surprise seeing Tsuguki all well again
Well I need to talk to Yuji I mean have to fought so,
I'll have a conversation with you later Tsuguki
Where that your dumb guy?
After all you are my favourite Tsuguki

Y/n - just remember don't kill him u know what I mean
And what my dumb man
*dangerous aura*

Aoi - hahaha
You know what I mean *laughed*
Why so worried about him???

Y/n - let it be and remove your fucking foot from Yuji's face for God damn it

Yuji - .....

Aoi - he is not speaking
What can I do
Oi Oi
My friendo

Yuji - ahhh ahh
I-i-i-i am fin-e
Don't worry y/n

Aoi - I'm not hurting Yuji now we become friends BEST FRIENDO

Y/n - but I just saw you both fighting from the watching room

Aoi - yes we were
But I got to know that we have so much in common
And the same taste in girls too
Like you I mean tall girl with big butt and S figure

Her Weakness  ||Gojo Saturo x y/n||Where stories live. Discover now