Chapter Sixteen - Is he, Jealous?

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We are all broken, that is how the light gets in

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We are all broken, that is how the light gets in.                                                  - Ernest Hemingway 

Chapter Song - I Want It All by Arctic Monkeys

"They skate around and punch each other, thats all I know," Kaylee explains ice hockey to me as we wait in line for overpriced food in the chilly arena. "And they're appealing to the eye, not mine, but eh." She shrugs. 

"Right," I drawl out, before facing the cashier. "We'll take two fries, two burgers, a hotdog, and some nachos, thank you." I smile politely. 

"Any drinks?" They ask plainly. 

"Yes, two waters, three beers, and a black coffee, no sugar." I add. 

They nod, typing it down. "That'll be $38.94. On card?" 

I blow out a harsh breath. "Yes, card." I tap my card to the machine, wondering how food - that is barely the best out there - is so overpriced. "Thank you." I say, before us three step aside to wait for out food. 

"Did you order?" Hunter comes up to us. 

"Yes, we ordered you a precious burger." Adele tells him. 

He makes preying hands to her. "Ah, thank you, dear friend." He jokes. 

"Where are the other two?" Kaylee asks, and I feel my own stomach betray and heat away at even the mere mention of Maverick. Not even the mention of his name, just his stupid, handsome, warm presence. 

"Finding our seats, we're right at the front." Hunter answers. 

"An even closer view of men fighting each other. If I was straight I'd be coming already." Kaylee says a little too loudly, an older couple sending her a dirty, disapproving look. 

"Oh my god." Adele laughs, and I just shake my head, fighting the ugliest laugh. 

"Order 602!" Our number is called out, and we rush to the 'collect' bench. I grab my coffee and fries, everyone else grabbing what they ordered, and we make Hunter carry what the guys wanted. 

Making our way down the arena stairs, we end up at the front facing a curved corner of the rink. With the crowd loud and ready for the game, I unknowingly take a seat next to Maverick. Ford and him take their food from Hunter, Adele besides me as Kaylee sits on the other side, Ford next to Maverick as Hunter sits on the end next to Ford. 

"How much do I owe you?" Maverick asks me. 

"Oh, don't worry about it." I wave him off. 

He rolls his eyes. "Seriously, Darlin'. Let me pay you back." 

I face him, trying to suppress a smile from the joy of just looking at him. "Seriously, Maverick, don't worry about it." I tell him. 

It isn't long until the game openings start; with loud music blasting, sirens, and chatter about the tension between whatever teams are playing. I'm an academic, not a sports fanatic. I can play sports, but that doesn't mean I'm obsessed with ones I haven't ever played. 

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