Chapter Eleven - Is It Hot In Here?

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Let me glimpse inside your velvet bones

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Let me glimpse inside your velvet bones.                                                                - Ernest Hemingway

Chapter Song - Tied Together With A Smile by Taylor Swift

"Why do you have to be only guy to drive the oldest vehicle in the country?" Ford questions to Hunter as we begin our journey home. 

"Cause I like the car." Hunter defends, the two squabbling like two old folks. 

Ford scoffs. "It doesn't even have air conditioning, I'm dying right now." 

"Roll the window down." Hunter shrugs a shoulder. 

"And get bugs in my fucking eyes? Nah." Ford shakes his head. "I'll personally give you the money to install air conditioning, or I'm stealing it and taking it to the auto shop." 

Hunter just chuckles. "Who shit on your pillow?" 

"I'm just sweaty as fuck, I'm boiling in here." Ford bites back. Hunter glances at me through the rearview mirror, eyes amused. I wonder what has got him so pissed off? One could only guess it'd be about a certain girl. 

He's been this moody since last night at the bar, which he disappeared in half the night before we met him back at the hotel. Sat on his bed with tousled hair and a blatant scowl written on his face as he watched T.V.

Breaching the outer skirts of Austin, Hunter's phone starts to blast women's moaning sounds. He presses down on the break harshly, a severe glare directed at Ford and I. "Which one of you changed my fucking ring tone again?" 

It only takes Ford and I meeting eye contact once before we burst out laughing. "I fucking hate you both." He grits out, stepping out of the truck and taking the call. 

"Women's moaning sounds? I don't even wanna know where you found that." I clap hands with Ford as our laughter goes from wheezing to sparse chuckles.  

"Not a hard thing to find, just makes me hard." Ford responds, and I roll my eyes. 

Hunter is back in the truck soon enough, huffing and giving us both another glare before talking. "Kaylee's car broke down, the girls need a ride back home." He says to us both, before taking a U-turn and heading back down the road we just drove over. 

It's a short five minutes before we find the girls not far down the same road, obviously having left the city around the same time as us. The girls stand on the side of the road, two with unpleasant expressions and one busy talking to the tow guy. 

"I'll take your bags." I say to Adele and Spencer, and they hand them over before piling into the car. "I'll drive, Hunter, you sit in the back with Ford and Adele." I mutter to him, and he nods. 

Taking my spot in the drivers seat, Spencer sits beside me in the middle, with Kaylee on the end of the three seater front seat. With Adele sat in the back with Hunter acting as a divider between her and Ford, it fails to act as a buffer for the awkwardness of silence. 

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