Chapter 1

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I have lost everything.

My husband, my kids, my house, my in-laws.

Only to discover that... Well, let me start over.

I have been married to Bendy, my husband, for about 12 years, we had a 5 and 7 year old, both boys, Kōmel junior and Jonathan.

I know, I'm not good with creative names, but it doesn't matter now, they're both gone.

I met Bendy in a bright and colorful pub, I was singing and after the song ended, he met me at the resting area by the side of the stage.

We hit it off fairly well, I was always an easy lay while single, and, as an incubus, Bendy had to be one also. There wasn't exactly anything special about our encounter, we both have had similar before, but he took my number anyway, I was happy with being a "fuck-friend" to him, he was a good lover, as most incubi and succubi are, they have experience after all.

I slowly got him to talk a little bit about his life, outside looking for food, he had a cute canadian accent and loved math, at 25 he was already working as an engineer and loved his job, I worked a teacher, as a time lord, I walked on this earth for a quite a while and was able to witness a big part of history, it's fun to teach about things you have seen happen in first hand, sometimes I ditched the textbooks and just told them what happened by memory.

I am... trailing off, aren't I? I'm sorry.

- Don't worry Kōmel, keep going, I'm here to listen after all. What did... "Bendy" look like?

- He was... legally a dwarf, 1,40 centimeters tall and-

- Sorry, Kōmel, can you tell how much that is in feet?

- In feet? Oh, I think... 4,7? Sorry, I'm not good with that kind of measuring thing.

- Sorry to interrupt, he was pretty short for his age, It's quite concerning actually...

- He said it was a "health thing", all his family was just as short as him.

- Any other characteristics?

- Of course, his skin was a rich brown color, his hair curly and purple, his eyes... striking lilac, really pretty color.

- A pastel color being striking? interesting.

- Maybe it was a contrast thing, he looked very pretty in the paintings I did of him.

- You painted him? Can you show me?

- Oh, I only did it in my mind...

- Uhn... I see. Have you ever heard of the theory that our brains can't make up people? That, the people of our dreams are people we have seen in our life, but just don't remember?

- I don't really believe in that, also, doesn't that only apply to humans?

- You're not a human? The file said human.

- I'm pretty sure I said I was a time lord.

- What is-

The alarm on her phone went off, an annoying sound echoing through the mostly white room.

- I'm sorry, Kōmel, our 30 minutes are up, I recommend we book an hour next time, it feels like you still have a lot to talk about.

- I do. - I got up from the chair, feeling disappointed that this "therapy" thing went by so fast, 30 minutes are usually a lot when you're doing something you don't want to.-

- See you next week?

I paused for a second, thinking.

- We'll see.

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