Chapter 5

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A new week started, Friday I would have my therapist appointment, I had… a lot to talk about really.

I had met the man I saw in my delusion, should I even call it a delusion at this point? I mean, almost nothing about him was truly similar other than his appearance and job title, it truly disturbs me to think “what if it was real in some way?” Only to notice that their energy was very much different.

In my “dream” Bendy was much more… I’ll just say it: Much more of a twink. He wore almost exclusively skirts and dresses, talking in a flamboyant way. I didn’t mind, but I have to face it, after all-

- Kōmel!

A familiar voice broke me from my self reflection before I could monologue to myself further.

- Is this seat taken?

He asked like it wasn’t obvious the answer was “no”, leaning in like he couldn’t get any shorter.

- Of course not. - I taped the seat. - I was thinking of you, can you believe it?

- Sure you were, when aren’t you?

Ribon sat down on the seat by my left, this bus wasn’t ever full whatever I took it, well, I only took it twice, but still. He wore his work clothes this time just like when we met, by that I mean he was wearing overalls with a small embroidered “R” and a blue shirt.

- Uhn… Normally when I am preparing for class.

- What are the kids gonna learn today?

- We started off with the opium war, I have to keep going on that subject.

- Opium war, uhn? I saw a play about it once, I think everyone got out of the teather hating england, fufu.

- I take that as a win.

He laughed.

- How mean, Kōmel!

- What? Kids should poke fun at their country's past bullshit. At least I think so. What work do you have going on?

I started to drink from my water bottle.

- Ah, nothing special, just maintenance in a yacht.

I choked on the water.

- Fuck… A yacht? Nothing special? - I laughed mid coughs. - You really do give rich vibes.

- You’re alright? It’s not like it’s my yacht, we just work for a company that does maintenance in those. And what do you mean I give rich vibes?

- Paying for a drink in a bar with a black card, not caring if a coffee shop is expensive and paying for others. It all gives me “I don’t have to worry about money”.

- Well, it 's true. My family is well off and so am I. I never had to sell my aphrodisiac. If I wanted to I could be a sugar daddy, so I don’t mind buying things for you. - He looked away for a second, then back at me with a smile. - Would you like something?

I crossed my legs and bit my lip in the inside of my mouth. I don’t know if it was what he said or the way he said it, but I… liked it.

- No… need. You don’t need to pamper me, it’s fine.

- What if I want to? - He rested his cheek on his right fist, staring at me with a closed smile. -


I gulped down.

He’s not even doing anything sexual, Kōmel, get a grip! You’re gonna be in a high school in just a few minutes!

- W-well, I’m not one for turning down gifts…

- Good, I just need to figure out what to give now…

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