Chapter 7

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There was a lot of new information that day, after the talk with Ribon's mother we all went back home on the same subway. It was both awkward and kind of fun, actually the whole day was mostly that.

Ribon's family is very energetic, especially Reborn, oh to be young, too bad when I was his age there weren't half the things there are today.

- Claro, tudo gay, povo animado.

- You really have a prejudice problem, Alex.

- I’m joking! I don't have anything against the LGBTQ. People make jokes because I’m a deer calling me “veado viado” all the time!

- I don't think that fixes anything, but I don't care that much. How did the date go?

- Uhn… decent? I didn't fuck It up or anything, I just… didn't feel a spark, you know?

- I can see that.

- I feel kinda shitty, I think she liked me but I’m not really feeling a second date.

- Maybe tell her you're not in the right mindspace to date?

- I always wonder how you manage to not sound like an old man all the time.

- It's a little talent I have, I just- pick up on the way people talk, aren't I incredible? 

- And humble, can you believe It?

- Right? Anyway, yesterday was awesome, although when Ribon wasn't looking Reborn shushed me and gave me a book…

- What kind of book?

- Uhn… anyway, It was probably a gag gift, so I just put it on top of the bookshelf, I will figure out what to do with It later.

- Speaking of “later”, what are your plans for today?

- Not sure yet. Maybe…

- Seriously?

- What?

- You just met your little boyfriend’s parents and you're wondering what to do?

- He's not-

- That's like saying you're not married when you live together, you're living the boyfriends lifestyle!

- …Why did I think of the comic right now?

- Fucking hell.

Ding sound.

- Uhn, speak of the demon.

My cell phone, which I was using to call Alex showed a notification from Ribon, I put down my paint blush on the paint pallet.

- Ribon send you Photo again?

- Let me check.

“I had a dream with you today, not really the good kind, but not bad enough to be called a nightmare”

- Uhn… 

- Is It a photo?

- Just text, I think he's bummed.

- Why?

- Bad dream with my face stamped on It, bad omen.

“I was like, married to a Guy for a while, kids and all, two of them I think”


“But then he like, refused to feed me for some reason, I got really confused and desperate cause I was hungry”

Oh, forget It.

“And so I ended up on those weird cheating Hookup websites to find someone to feed me”

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