Chapter 6

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- It's been a few weeks. Everything feels great! Me and Ribon aren't technically anything official yet, but It feels good anyway.

- I'm very proud of you, Kōmel, you have been allowing yourself to do those things. How do you feel?

- I feel like you mentioned the words "allowing yourself" in every single one of our past sessions.

She's caught off guard and stares at me.

- Well, Kōmel, it's a good thing! So... how's your relationship with your father going?

- Bad. As always.

She groaned and I smiled. Even If It makes things more annoying, I've built the habit of not lying for years now. If I did, I would definitely lie about this so I wouldn't need to talk about It.

- Did talking to them not work?

- I don't know, I didn't try. Can we talk more about Ribon and me?

- Kōmel, this is serious... If you plan on going serious with Ribon you'll eventually show him to your father, would it hurt to take off your edge with them?

- Why would I try to show Ribon to my father? He hates demons.

- Oh, your father is racist against demons? That would be a hard edge to take off...

- I own nothing to my father, they can fuck themselfs with a fork for all I care, I will do what I want and date whoever, even If they don't like It.

- They did raise you...

- No they didn't? They just spawned me Into existence and told me to work.

- You were- put Into child labor?!

- Fuck, this is why I don't like talking about my father, It goes nowhere and you never understand the time lord part of It. It's best to change the subject.

She stopped and shuffled the papers on her desk awkwardly.

- I'm sorry, Kōmel... I'm unfamiliar with that side of things...

- You said that before, and you tried this again, isn't this the kind of thing that you try to make people stop doing?

- Uhn...

She scratched her head.

- Have you... do you still have dreams with Bendy?

- Not sure, I can't remember my dreams recently.

- Can you tell me How recently?

- About... since our first night together, I think?

- I see. Uhn... Does Ribon... achieve the expectations you had of him?

- Expectations? Not really... But not in a bad way, I mean, the expectation of It being amazing to be with him? Definitely did. The one of him being exactly like Bendy? No.

- I see...

She notes something down.

- Kōmel, I'm assuming since you said he's not really like Bendy, that You're with Ribon for who he is, right? Not because It helps you feel better about Bendy not being here by having someone that looks like him, correct?

- I'm not using Ribon like that! It's... weird, I know the situation is unique, but- I really do have interest in him as a person, I just... really enjoy being with him, It feels right to have him close.

- I was just worried that finding someone who looks exactly like the person you thought you married might give you some ideas you would not be proud of at a later time.

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