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Thrud's birthday was fast approaching and with it, Leah's stress increased every moment she spent masses of hours in the Ballroom to decorate it as best she could so that Thrud would have a happy and eventful birthday

After all, today she turns eight winters old

A great event to celebrate!

Heimdall had tried unsuccessfully to talk to her since the last fall. How did an invisible magnet connect them before so now? They seem like the same two poles that repel each other, when one enters the canteen the other almost immediately leaves as soon as he notices.

Most often it was Leah who ran away

Was she ashamed of seeing her magic fall?

He didn't know that, but he wanted to find out maybe he wanted to mock her or maybe he wanted to help her. He hadn't decided yet exactly how he would use this situation but he would soon find out first he had to make sure he was thinking right, theoretically he could break into her room to search the room but that wasn't an option maybe he was a narcissist and selfish but he respected other people's privacy at least some privacy

Thoughts will never stay private

Especially with him

He wanted to talk to her it was obvious, as soon as he approached the guard almost ran away from him not allowing him to approach and speak. It was annoying. He thought that on this special day he would have a chance in the end Leah would not let go of the party and he completely did not feel like coming to it. On Helheim he didn't even have a present for the red-haired girl. He had to improvise so much and he had to stoop so low that he had to arrange some kind of gift for Thrud.

He hated giving gifts and even more hated thinking what would be an appropriate gift for someone he didn't even respect.

But the end justifies the means as they say

The truth is, he robbed someone of a gift for Thrud, he didn't even feel remorse. He had stolen what a simple toy for his taste that was enough and it was immediately wrapped up most likely not even suspicion would fall on him if he came up with a plausible story.

All he had to do now was wait until the evening. The day seemed to drag on so long that he felt as if centuries had passed before the sun began to set and always the days flew by so fast that they merged into one and the night set in so fast that before he closed his eyes another day was setting.

He just foolishly hoped he could catch Leah and talk to her. He had to additionally think about what he wanted to do with this information what lie to give to get Lea to tell him everything he wanted to know?

He would soon find out, but what would he do about it?

Leah's day had started rather quickly, ever since she had woken up nervousness had flowed through her veins she had wondered if the decorations would appeal to Thrud, she had barely managed to beg Odin to agree to a party for Thrud. Now she had doubts whether it was the right thing to do she feared that she had overdone everything and it would all be unnecessary

That something bad would happen and young Thrud would be discouraged about her birthday

Everything had and had to be perfect

Just as Thrud had dreamed and just as Leah had done and wanted

She might even have envied the young girl, Leah had never had a birthday celebration. In her entire life she had lived twenty-five winters and no one had ever even wished her a birthday it hurt, but she kept quiet. It was just a mental pain that no one was interested in, she had to live with this conviction until the end of her days

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