3 | You're Mine [At Least They Think You Are]

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"Slytherin!" She yelled. I froze on the spot, looking back at her with terrified hazel eyes. Remus frowned, but nodded for me to sit down at the Slytherin table. The Slytherins were staring at me with narrowed suspicious eyebrows. I was dead.

I watched as the train hooted and smoke slithered it's way to the ceiling from the chimney of it, if trains have chimneys. Remus nudged me, grabbing my hand and darting towards it. We entered with small laughs and giggles. Remus was already in his second year. Meanwhile, I was in my first, and I was nervous knowing that I'd have to do things without my trustworthy brother.

"Remus! Hey, over here!" Someone called over our shoulder. I turned, and stared in shock as I saw three boys walking towards us. Not gawping over the fact that Remus had friends, which was shocking anyways considering how introverted he could get, but staring at the boy who had spoken.

James freaking Potter.

"Hey, I remember you! You were that girl from St Mungo's Hospital! You were crying in the bathroom-" I shook my head hastily, glancing at Remus, hoping he hadn't heard him.

Of course my luck was this bad that he had overheard him.

"Excuse me, James? Crying in the bathroom? Evelyn?" He glanced at me for some answers, but I was too busy being interested in the floor. He sighed.

"This conversation is not over." He hissed, storming away with my hand laced in his. Geez. Ever heard of being too much of an overprotective bro? He found a compartment and we sat down. I checked my watch, pretending to be occupied to have an excuse to notice his death glances. He hated it when I kept secrets from him.

The train began moving, and I was hoping that he wouldn't forget, but as I said, my luck is terrible.

"So, mind explaining why the hell my sister was crying in the bathroom?" He asked with narrowed eyes. I frowned, why did he have to be so firm?

"Wait, what?" James glanced at me to him in shock, "Sister? You two are siblings?" James gawped at us, while Remus shrugged.

"Yeah, doofus. We're siblings."

James gasped, "So- wait- your mother- Evelyn, your mother- said- you should've been hurt instead of him?"

Remus stared with more shock than confusion.

"Excuse me?" He asked in horror, "Please explain, Lyn."
He glanced back at me with an accusing glance, but I put my hands up in the air.

"Hey... don't blame the messenger, but the victim can totally be blamed." James winked at me, and I groaned.

"Gee... thanks for the support." I snapped sarcastically. He grinned back.

"No problem!"

I sighed, putting my head in my hands, "It's really not a big deal, Rem." I muttered, gazing at the floor. I then looked up, realising everyone was staring. By everyone, I meant four boys with different aspects watching me.

There was James Potter, who was grinning inwardly and smirking like he knew something nobody else knew. With his glasses and ruffled hair, he looked half troublesome and half tidy. His hazel eyes twinkled with mischief and he had jet black hair that looked impossible to lay straight. Jeez.

Then there was the infamous Sirius Black, with black hair and blue eyes, with handsome yet mischievous features that could never fail to impress and scare. He had a wild look in his eyes, yet for some reason it was distantly familiar... though I couldn't place it. His hair came to chin-length which gave him an even more troublesome aura.

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