10 | Animagus

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I stared at a blank wall, confused as hell. I just witnessed Regulus being tortured. The hell? Then, I got up and walked towards where I hoped I'd find my brother. The library. Remus loved going to the library. Then, again, he also loved being friends with James, but he was trouble.

I heard hushed noises, and Madame Pince hissed at the people to shut up. They were silenced before murmuring to each other again. I peered at where the voices came from, and saw their gang, minus Peter, chatting quietly.

"Oh, come on Remus, it's the only way." One of the voices, Sirius, pointed out.

"I'm not sacrificing you guys for my problems! Do you know how dangerous it is if it goes wrong?!" Remus pointed out. James let out a frustrated sigh.

"Please, Rem, let us do this, at least. I'm begging you."

It was obvious that the Potter didn't like begging, and Remus let out a frustrated sigh, before grumbling an agreement.

"Knock knock, you guys are so loud." I said in a quiet voice. They looked up in surprise, raising eyebrows at me. Remus immediately slammed the book he was holding shut, and I put a hand out with a sigh.

"Rem, give me the book."

He looked at me pleadingly before placing it in my hands. I peered at the cover. It was about werewolves. Crap. They knew?

"Remus! You told?!" I looked up in horror, and he shook his head miserably.

"They found out. My excuses weren't good enough." He sighed, and Sirius patted his back with a small smile tugging at his lips.

"Hey, not our fault our Remus isn't the best at lying." He pointed out, before giving me a curious look, "And, you know about the whole werewolf thing? I didn't know that!" It was my turn to raise an eyebrow at him.

"I'm sorry? I'm his sister. I was there when it happened," I looked at the floor, "I was the reason it happened." Remus' eyes softened, and he shook his head.

"Nuh-uh! It wasn't." Remus protested, "We were just both at the wrong place at the wrong time." He pointed out. Then, Peter appeared, holding a dust-covered book in his clutches and handed it to James.

"These are the only books that tell us what we can do," Sirius explained, "But none of them work." James flicked through the pages, murmuring in agreement.

"Well... how about Animagus?" I asked.

"The hell is an An- Animal-"

"Animagus." I sighed, shaking my head, "People who are Animagus can transform into an animal of their Patronus."

Sirius gave me a deadpan stare, "Mind clueing us in on what the hell a Patronus is?"

I sighed, getting up and finding a book, dropping it on his lap. He whined in complaint as the thick spine hit his leg, making a thud, "Find out yourself."

I then got up, and Remus looked at me with an amused look.

"By the way, Rem, when are you transforming again?" James asked curiously.

"He already did." I said, remembering when he had darted to the Forbidden Forest as a werewolf and I had discovered him.

"How do you know that?" Remus asked in surprise. I looked up, gulping before replying.

"Well... I may have stepped into the Forbidden Forest after hearing you, and I may have almost been killed by you as a werewolf."

Remus' jaw dropped, and he stared at me with wide eyes, "I'm sorry, what?"

I shrugged, and James asked, "How did you escape?"

"Well, ah, uhm," Refusing to look at Sirius, I spoke, "Regulus kind of saved me."

Once I did glance at Sirius, he was fuming, "My brother? Seriously, Evelyn? Out of all people, him?" I raised my hands in protest.

"That wasn't my fault! I didn't plan it!" I pointed out. He clenched his jaw before looking back at the book I had dropped. It wasn't best to talk about it since they had once had a really bad fight and almost killed each other.

"Of course you didn't." Sirius snapped sourly. Remus nudged him before looking at me.

"But I don't know how the hell you saw me as a werewolf and I almost killed you." He sighed. James peered at the book Sirius was reading.

"How does this weird stuff help?" He asked, pointing at the sketches of an otter Patronus. I shrugged before replying.

"You have to cast a Patronus to be able to transform into an Animagus. And being an Animagus means that you can easily turn into your Patronus' animal, and Remus won't hurt other animals, only humans." I explained.

"Look at the otter. If that person who casted the spell turns into an Animagus, their animal will be an otter. You choose the animal from your heart, when casting a Patronus. It isn't just random picks, you know."

Peter frowned, "That kind of makes sense. I think."

"What are you idiots being so loud for?" A voice sneered. We all looked behind, Sirius making sure the book wasn't visible from the person's view, and immediately scowled at the sight of the anonymous person.

"Regulus." He snapped.

"Hey, bro." Regulus said as if it was the most hateful word he had ever uttered. James stood up, probably because he remembered the fight that had happened between these brothers so quickly on their first year at Hogwarts.

"Answer my question then." Regulus snapped, gazing coldly at them all. Except for Sirius. He was gazing at Sirius not coldly, but like he wanted to throttle his neck. Joy.

Sirius scoffed, "Your presence here is loud anyways. Leave us alone, Reggie." Regulus scowled so hard that his entire posture became stiff and untrustworthy. His jaw clenched, like a certain brother, they must really have hated each other.

"So, Sirius, are you gonna tell them soon about the Mark?" He snarled, "Or are you gonna leave them in the dark like you do to everyone?"

James gave Sirius a questioning gaze, and we all stared at him blankly. What did he mean by Mark? Sounded rough, yikes.

Sirius' eyes turned to flames as he stood up, "Shut the hell up. I'm not going to get it." He snapped. Regulus raised an eyebrow, taunting his older brother.

"Really? You sure about that, Sirius? 'Cause even if you don't, you'll still follow him. Our parents made sure about it, remember?" He hissed, pointing a finger at Sirius.

Okay, maybe this needed to stop.

But would the Blacks ever stop?

When Our Destinies Collided [REGULUS BLACK FANFICTION]Where stories live. Discover now