9 | Watching

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The night sung a soft, eerie song to lure in possible suspects. The moon watched in her silver robes, gazing with a sigh at the still forest. A man slowly walked towards the huge castle of dreams that stood before him.

 Occlumency. He used it to stop others from thinking in his head, and to see the world in their heads.

An elderly fox let out a small whine, clearly afraid of this dark magic it sensed. The man turned immediately.

"Avada Kedrava!" He yelled. Immediately, the fox let out a howl of pain as the green light struck, crashing into the floor and laying limp. Her mate, along with small cubs that were trailing across the thick snow, hid under the cover of their den in the tree, terrified.

The anonymous man straightened his shirt slightly, before glancing wearily around. He then walked around the place, and casted a spell from his wand.

He took over Orion Black's son's mind. It was a clear struggle from the receiver's end, but soon, after a lot of struggle and visions of Regulus fighting to even stand up straight, he saw the student's memories and the world in his view.

There was his brother, with hatred and jealously falling not far behind. There was Hogwarts as a third year student, with clear acceptance and patience joining in. Then, after much struggle, the Black allowed a precious memory to be taken from him.

It was a girl with brown hair and curious brown eyes, with hatred but love mingling in the memories. She was usually retorting something, or answering with quietness, but she had a quiet yet loud aura around her.

The man hissed with pure anger.

Regulus Black was supposed to be one of his most loyal companions, Orion had promised him. But here this boy was still following the concept of love.

He knew what to do.

He had to thread his way through the young boy, until he would finally accept being a Death Eater with the exception of his love being alive.

Then, the man let pain fall through the blood of Regulus Black, before he gave the memories back forcefully. And left the Black to suffer the pain as he Apparated somewhere else.


I couldn't take the pain.

It was burning, then it was okay, then burning again.

I had been trying to do my homework, until something magically forced it's way through me, like someone trying to steal things. Memories.

I had crashed into the floor, suffering a silent pain, before looking up, barely, and allowing the anonymous whatever-they-were to take my memories.

After they had viewed through every single one, including her, they gave it back with a lot of pain. God, if this was what being a victim was, I might as well kill myself.


"Black?" A confused voice asked. I looked up, and saw her. Freaking her.

"What do you want, Lupin?" I snapped, gripping onto my stomach which was literally tangling up into a ball of darkness.

"Are you... okay?" She asked with slight apprehension. I put my hands up in annoyance.

"Does it look like I'm okay?" I snapped back, flopping onto my bed and groaning slightly from the headache I was cursed with. She shrugged.

"I mean... you never look okay. You always look like you're tryna commit suicide." She replied casually. I stared at her with the most blank face I could muster with this excruciating pain.

"I look like- what? God, if Evan was here, he'd pummel up the both of us with a, 'She knows you like the back of her hand.' "

Evelyn smiled slightly, before getting up, "So, what happened?"


"Don't act like your yelling was nothing, Regulus."

I narrowed my eyes. I was yelling? I didn't remember yelling. Oops.

She sighed, shaking her head, and I slumped in my bed.

"See you later, I guess." She nodded, and I closed my eyes as I heard her exiting the room.

The screaming started in my throat, a hollow, desperate rasp that refused to break free. I was trapped, suffocating beneath the weight of a suffocating dread. 

Black tendrils, slick as oil and cold as a grave, were tightening around my chest, squeezing the air from my lungs. Panic clawed at my throat, but I couldn't move, couldn't even cry out.

Then I saw it. A shadow, a hulking mass of inky darkness that shifted and writhed just beyond the edges of my vision. It was closer than I thought, closer than I wanted it to be. Its form flickered, a grotesque mockery of a human, its eyes burning like coal-fired furnaces. 

It slithered towards me, its long, skeletal fingers dragging across the floor, its steps silent but deliberate.

I tried to scream, but the sound was swallowed by the black tendrils. My body was a puppet, limbs locked in a useless struggle, my mind a chaotic symphony of terror. The shadow loomed over me, its breath a cold caress against my skin. 

It's mouth, a gaping maw edged in razor-sharp teeth, opened in a silent, chilling scream.

Suddenly, I was choking, the black tendrils constricting around my throat, the suffocating pressure building in my chest. I felt a sharp, searing pain as something pierced my skin, something cold and wooden sinking deep within my flesh. A wand.

I screamed, this time the sound bursting free from my lips, a raw, desperate cry.

Then, I woke.

Another essence jumped at my skin, but it wasn't a creature. It was Evan running towards me with a pillow in his hand, and he threw it at me with surprising force. I yelled in shock as it hit me, bullseye.

He continued to hit me, hard, with a pillow which felt cold and sharp even if it was a pillow.

"Evan! Hey- It's me!" I yelled between hits. He stopped, staring at me quietly, before throwing it one more time. I scoffed, getting off my bed and throwing it at him with the most strength I could muster.

Then, a scent of vanilla erupted in my body. It was coming from Evan. Holy crap, it was Evelyn's scent. I narrowed my eyes.

"Why do you smell like Evelyn's shampoo?" I asked confusedly, raising it higher. He smirked, raising his eyebrows suggestively.

"How do you know what her shampoo smells like?"

I pushed him to the floor, not too hard though, but he still let out a hoot of pain.

I only knew her shampoo because she always had her hair free, and was always sitting down near me when eating for me to remember.

Was I becoming too addicted?

I was hoping not.

After losing my memories, I wasn't sure what the stranger would do after they saw my obsession with her.

When Our Destinies Collided [REGULUS BLACK FANFICTION]Where stories live. Discover now