8 | Remind Me To Never Swim With Mermaids

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I wiped away the hair that fell in my eyes, grabbing Evelyn's arm and crashing into the water. She yelped in shock, and I barely stopped myself from laughing. Her hair danced against her back before lying flat as the water engulfed the both of us. She threw a shell at me, but I dodged quickly. I was not going to deal with her contest-winning throws.

We ducked under the water as the werewolf stormed towards us, and we slowly swam further into the Black Lake. The werewolf, untrusting the mermaids that wandered in this Lake, hissed and darted back, waiting for us to come.

A wail came from the water. Evelyn looked up in surprise and quickly hurried towards the sound, but I grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"Don't. The mermaids are trying to pull you in."

She stared in fear, but nodded, staying close as the echoes grew louder and louder.

Then, three mermaids approached.

They had scales for bodies, webs for arms, seaweed for hair, but they still pulled it off well.

Their eyes were a soft amber, or green, or blue, there were three of them with changing features as if trying to find out what our opinion was of beautiful enough to follow them in.

The mermaids finally decided on a look, with velvety skin and... Evelyn's smile? Why?

Idiots, did they think I would follow them in?

Then, I felt my arms slowly pushing against the water against my will, trying to follow the mermaids.

Holy crap, I was following them in.

So was Evelyn.

I grabbed her arm after reorganising my limbs, pulling her back. As my hand gripped onto hers, I saw what her idea was of beautiful. 

There was a soft smirks on each faces, with cold blue eyes and a hatred yet gentleness burning in them. They each had black, curly hair, and their webbed bodies became stiffer and colder.

Holy crap, I know this person.

Wait, I don't, because I was wracking my brain for this anonymous figure, and couldn't seem to find them. Who did she have a crush on? Or just plain, I like their features?

Evelyn likes cold guys?

Oh well.

I dragged her away, and she struggled slightly, but then went limp and allowed me to drag her back. After realising that we were trying to escape, they attacked.

Features became gruesome, as they revealed their true colours. I had learnt about mermaids, never to trust them, yet I had.

God, what's wrong with me?

A mermaid crashed into me, and I yelled in horror.

I grabbed my wand and yelled something.

"Avada Kedavra!" 

A burst of green light came from my wand, and shot the mermaid. She screamed, and then her body went limp.

All there was, even though I could barely see it, was a silver pearl.

For some reason, I grabbed it and dragged Evelyn back. She no longer struggled, instead helping me. Water rose and crashed into us, until we resurfaced, and then had to go through the process again.

Finally, we got back on land, dry land, now wet because of the water lapping at it hungrily.

I still hated mermaids.

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