7 | Fear And Death Are Best Friends

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In the depths of the night, as slumber enveloped me, darkness consumed my mind, transforming into a haunting nightmare.

I found myself amidst a dense, moonlit forest, the gnarled branches of trees casting eerie shadows across my path. A sense of unease crept over me as I realized I was alone and lost. Suddenly, a guttural growl pierced the silence, sending shivers down my spine.

Terror surged through me as a monstrous figure emerged from the undergrowth. Its eyes glowed an eerie amber, its sharp teeth bared in a menacing snarl. The creature charged at me, its claws extended and its breath heavy with the scent of decay.

I stumbled backward, my heart pounding in my chest like a drum. The beast lunged again, its claws raking across my arm, leaving deep, burning wounds. I screamed in agony and desperation, but my voice seemed to vanish into the suffocating darkness.

With each step, the werewolf closed in, its hot breath on the back of my neck. The fear became unbearable, consuming my senses. I stumbled and fell, my body battered and bruised. As the creature towered over me, its razor-sharp claws poised to end my life, I closed my eyes and braced for the inevitable.

But then, a faint glimmer of hope emerged. A familiar voice called out my name, a voice that shattered the nightmare. I awoke with a start, my body still trembling and my heart still racing. The horrors of the chase lingered in my mind, leaving me shaken and afraid.

"Evelyn?" The person called. My eyes flickered open and I gasped, looking up.

Regulus freaking Black was watching me confusedly. He pointed to the open door.

"I was not tryna stare at you. The door was open so I came. I was gonna call you down for breakfast." He said hurriedly. I realised what this looked like, and nodded.

"Yeah, okay." I muttered. Regulus' arm had recovered, but he still acted 'friendly' around me. At least, we just did each other small things like calling each other down for breakfast or asking for help with the homework, which was mostly me since he knew what he was doing.

He nodded slightly, before we walked down towards breakfast. He sat down next to his friends, I sat next to the girls in Slytherin I usually talked to, although I didn't really consider them as friends.

"So, you were walking with Black? Did you feel any, mhm... connections?" A girl, Samaya, asked me. I almost choked on my water.

"No way. Gross." I mumbled, putting my hand to my throat as I coughed.

She smirked, and I heard her friend whisper, "Not yet." They clearly thought I didn't understand what they were saying.

"Okay..." I muttered, glancing at the Gryffindor table. Remus, James, Sirius and Peter were sitting down, chatting amiably. Sirius was asking Remus if he was alright.

Now that I looked at my brother clearer, I realised what he was going on about. Remus looked pale, and was stirring his pumpkin juice absent mindedly. As Sirius talked to him, he jumped slightly, before sighing and nodding.

"I'm alright, Sirius." He said quietly. He looked at me and smiled, although it was strained slightly. I suddenly remembered that it was a full moon now.

How could I forget? Oh, poor, poor Remus. He was going to have to deal with the transformations again.

I gave him a small, sympathetic smile, before turning back as the girl talked to me. God, this was boring.

Soon, our lessons drilled by. Professor McGonagall transformed into a cat, reminding me of Remus. The Slytherins had Transfiguration with Gryffindor, and I glanced wearily around for him. He had his head propped up against his arm, looking stressed slightly.

I sighed, focusing my gaze back on the Professor.

"Ah, Miss Lupin will be working with Mister Black." Professor McGonagall announced. I looked up at her blankly as she continued on with who worked with who.

"Any questions?"

Three hands up. Me, Sirius and Regulus.

She frowned, "No, you cannot change partners."

"No, miss, who's working with who?"

"Ah." She smiled slightly, "My mistake. Miss Lupin, you will be working with Regulus. Sirius, you're with Remus." Sirius grinned, giving me a sympathetic glance before heading towards Remus. I glanced at Regulus, who was frowning at Sirius with distaste.

At last, the bell rang. I got up.

"Finally, we can do as we please." Evan said, somehow managing to come to us as soon as the bell had rang. He slung an arm around Regulus, before glancing at me.

"Oh. Reggie's girlfriend."

I gasped.

"I'm sorry- what?!" I snapped, glaring at Regulus. He put his hands up in protest.

"Hey, I didn't say that to him! His suggestion! Not mine! No, no, not the book! Not the- Ow..." He groaned, putting his hand on his temple where I'd slapped a book at. I sent dark glances at both of them before getting up and leaving.

I walked towards who-knew-where. Finally, I arrived at the Black Lake. Peace and quiet. Probably. Then, a sharp yell from the Forbidden Forest.

Without thinking about it, I ran towards the cry of distress.

"Hello? Who's there? Are you hurt?" I yelled, forgetting that so many people had probably died like this.

A howl. Bloodshot, no, crimson eyes glared into me.

Oh, God.

Remus Lupin stood in front of me. But now, he was a werewolf instead of a human.

Grey and brown tufts of hair fell to the floor, and their owner growled slightly at the sight of me. I put my hands in the air.

"No! Remus, it's me! Please! Don't do this..." I gasped, tears falling down my cheeks. I gasped as he threw himself at me. Blood clawed at me. He hadn't bitten me... yet, but I could feel his claws on my shoulders, and his fangs preparing for the blood.

"Remus!" I screamed, crashing into the floor. My senses had left me. All there was, even though there was barely anything, was the taste of blood and the feeling of my tears as I screamed and begged. Nothing happened.

Then, arms wrapped around my waist. I thought it was Remus at first, preparing for the blood, but instead, they felt... human.

I allowed myself to be dragged away, before looking up at my saviour.

Regulus Arcturus Black gazed at me with wide eyes.

Another howl.

He looked up, before looking back at me and speaking.

"How do you feel about going for a little swim in the Black Lake with all the poisonous mermaids, eh?"


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