Chapter 10 Happy beginning

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We walk to the other side of the airport and get to where everyone was running around, frantically trying to get to their gate

As we walk through, heads turn, whispers start, and finger point

I put my head down and walk behind Wanda, trying to hide from the stares

Wanda laughs lightly

She waves her hands and red starts to glow around us then everyone starts looking around talking loudly around us

"They can't see us now, don't worry"

I nod

I get back beside her and we walk to the exit

As we get there I see a car pulled up, with 2 security guards and a couple of my soulmates

Tony Stark


Sam Wilson

They are waiting outside the car, talking, looking quite nervous

As we walk up Wanda stops right in front of them and starts laughing

I stop a bit before her and wait

"Watch this"

She gets behind the two soulmates and with a whip of her hand she takes away the hex, reappearing to everyone else and whispers in their ear


Tony and Sam jump practically 5 feet in the air and scream like girls

Wanda bursts out laughing and walks back in front of them

They both look at Wanda, clutching theirs chests

"Are you trying to gives us a heart attack?!"

"I'm sorry babe"

Wanda leans in and kissing both their temples

As Tony smiles he looks behind Wanda

I look at him and he smiles even larger

"Fern! Your here! Wanda convinced you to stay!"

I smile shyly and shuffle feet

"Yes, but we should get going. People are staring"

I look around to see every person that was outside the airport, looking directly at us with mouths agape

"Ah yes!"

Sam says and he opens the door for us to get in

Tony goes around to the other side and gets into the drivers seat

Wanda steps into the the backseat of the car and slides to the other side to make room for me

I stand there for a moment

"It's ok sweetheart. You can trust us"

Sam looks at me, still holding the door

I sigh and figure what's the worst that can happen

I step into the car and suck my head as I sit in the back, next to Wanda

Sam closes the door and goes into the passenger seat

I grab my seat belt and strap it across my chest then click it in to place

"Everyone buckled?"

We all nod and I see Tony adjust his mirror

I look out the window and the security guards get into a different car and wait for us to drive off

Tony puts the car into drive and drives off

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