Chapter 3

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*First day of senior year outfit*

Listen, it's a longer chapter so enjoy.

(So listen, this is what you missed on shameless) jk jk

But seriously, this is what had happened before vicki got to senior year.

Elementary school was alright but such a bummer, and boring sence I knew everything but I couldn't have the teacher know that. And I met the infamous elena, I feel bad cause bonnie is just clinging to her, sad face. I wish I could've had her by my side, but whatever. I was a year older than them, so the only time I saw them was in recess.

Then middle school. My worked nightmare, honestly, I don't want to talk about it cause if you've gone through it, then you would understand.

Then there was highschool, 9th grade went by pretty fast. The only thing that happened was some true or not rumored around the school. Elena is dating my brother and how there are the cutest couple. Bonnie always being by her side and caroline trying out for the cheerleaders squad.

So then how 10th and 11th grade went for me was just laying low and watching how everything played out until sophomore year caroline approached me, you see, we were both on the pep club and then we started talking. Ever since then, we have been best friends.

Tho now she's a junior and I'm a senior, and we're still friends. We have different interests, though. She is the leader of the pep club, and she's the cheer captain of the cheer team, and is super popular.

I, however, did other things such as band, choir, art, and Colonary. In band I played Auxillary purcussion, then in choir I was an alto. For art, it wasn't really popular in this school, so we did dumb stuff like water coloring or paint by numbers, but it wasn't awful I just thought it would be better.

You see, in those crazy people hospitals, you usually can't get out. I was able to escape. But before that what the schedual would look like is that you would do an hour of school every day, then you had to go to work. There were a few things you could do you could be a janitor, work in the mail department, fix things mechanically, or work in the Library. We used to be able to work in the kitchen, but ever sense, 7 residents died because of an intentional poisoning. It's been band.

So as I walk into the school, I'm imidiatly pushed forward into someone's arms.

"Omg, I'm so glad you're here, but oh God. This is your last year we have to make this special, k we could throw a party with balloons maybe..."

OK, caroline, I say, " we can do whatever you want, but I need to get my schedule for this year." "K, fine, I'll see you later." And she starts to walk away twardes Elena, I think she's giving her her sympathy because her parents died this summer.

With that in mind, before I block it out, I see I was already beaten to the punch. Someone was at the office already, and I know that back from anywhere. So, using my enhanced hearing, I listen to what he's saying.

*Year before...*

I was walking down the street when I saw Trevor coming up to me from the alleyway when I was about to wave back. I see on his face blood. Vampire. So I booked it to my car but don't make it because the next thing I know im swallowing blood, and my neck was snapped.

But don't worry, I got my revenge.

*Previous time*

I listened to the conversation he was having, but before I could, I heard bonnie from behind me says "That's a hot back." With a chuckle, I go behind him waiting for my turn to get my schedual, but when he turns around and looks behind me, he sees elena and shoulder hits me. Okay bitch.

After being pissed off for a minute or two I went up front and got my schedule. And all my classes in order.

1. History
4.lunch/study hall ( its why it is a whole hour and not just lunch)

Sence I'm a senior I got all my credits done besides history so I have to take the class with the juniors but I did it on purpose so I could be there for all the drama the class comes with.

Here we go....

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