chapter 5

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*dress and mask for the ball*

As I walk in all eyes are on me even the gang were looking at me so with my head held high I walk into the place and take a bite of a strawberry like katherine did in her entrance scene.

I go to the champagne bar and decide to watch how the whole thing plays out. I grab the whole bottle when I siphone the guy that's a bartender he looks started and basically runs away. Holly shit I'm a heretic. That's awesome!!!!

After an hour I'm watching bonnie chase one of her cousins, god I'm bored maybe i should try to siphon someone else, so as I walk away I walk into elena, "Elena I thought you were suppose to stay at home?"

"How did you know that?" Oops I let it slip but before I could answer it goes black.

Blink, blink again. I wake up and I realize I'm on a couch what happened. Then a few seconds later I realized I've been kidnapped but I thought rose was helping us as I see her walk away leaving a terrified Trevor in our presence. "Your scared." Elena says.

"Wow, such an empath." I say she ignores me, bitch. And starts to walk back and forth nervously while Trevor is hiding in the corner.

So I sit up and decide to hear the conversation between the two.

(First letter of there names will be talking ps the script will be changed because im to lazy)

E: Rose Marie

R: Elijiah, you'll have to excuse the house.

E: oh what's a little bit of dirt, can we talk somewhere.....else.

R: oh, yes right this way.

They walk into a room

E: so, what has Givin you the courage to call me

R: I want my freedom, are you in anyway able to grant that

E: oh I can pardon you and your little pet, Trevor or whatever they call him these days

R: the doppelganger , katherine pierce, she's alive.

E: hmm

R: you don't seem surprised?

E: when you sent me to this armpit of a civilization I proposed it had everything to do with katerina. Do you have her in your possession?

R: no but I have better, Her doppelganger.

E: that's impossible, her family ended with her I know that for a fact.

Ha you wish

R: well your facts are wrong

E: With a smug smirk he says "well show her to me."

R:elijiah your a man of your word but I want to hear you say it again.

E: you have my word I will pardon you.

Cheeky bastard he lied through his teeth or in other words played her, he's not going to pardon Trevor he basically said it to her face. Come on Rose don't let me down.

R: follow me


As I decide to stand up and stand near but far somewhere I see from my left elijiah walking with Rose at his tail he then speeds up to elena and sniffs her neck.

Weird, can he just know from her heartbeat

E: human... hello there.

E: one last piece of buissness before were finished

He turns around and he sees me

He looks over and ask Rose

"Who is she?"

"She can hear you" I say, tho that probably isn't the best idea as he comes closer to me about two feet away.

"Well then, what is your name?" He asks, awaiting. "Collateral". I respond I see him smirk and walk even closer. If I was alive my heart would be beating 100x per minute, then he takes off my mask to look at me clearly, i cough between my hands and say to rose " i need my ring back now." With an attitude, eli smirks again and looks at rose expectedly she passes it to elijiah his back was facing me so i dont know what gave her away to think to give him the ring. He trys to put the ring on my finger but being as hostile as i can i grab it from him. He walks away with a look in his eyes and walks twardes Trevor.

I kinda tune out until I see a head fly out in front of me....shit.

Then there's a crash and Elijiah grabs elena by her arm and me by my waist and takes us to the staircase he let's go of elena and gives her to Rose but he still holding on to me. Then someone hits eli hand with a stake and let's me go which resulted in elena and me being taken.

Elena is in stefans arns and I'm in damons arms with Rose.

Then I hear a snap

" I repeat you cannot beat me, do we understand each other."

Then damon leaves our arms and runs to god knows what and I look at rose and say let's get out of here.

She nods and sence she's older she takes my hand and gets us away quicker.

A day later I'm in an apartment were rose left me to warn the salvatores. Such a wast of time but. Who cares.

Being bored I decide to leave and go back to my house I need to get out of these heels and dress. I walk into my house and I'm bombarded with questions from Matt, I tell him to shut up, and I go to bed. Little did I know, someone, was watching me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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