Extra : waking up pt.2

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"Because I love him doctor shin "

Doctor shin just laughed at him " you remind me of myself....i once used to love someone"

"Used ...what happened to them ? " heesung spoke . Talking with doctor shin it's not a bad idea and heesung likes it .

"Well I still love her but ....unfortunately I have lost her " doctor shin said .

Heesung didn't know what to say to this but for sure he knows this pain . He nearly lost the person he loves as well .


"She used to be a nurse and we worked together ....but one day she decided that she wanted to help more kids that needs help ....well God didn't gave us our own child so she loved every child . After this she worked in one orphanage " doctor shin said .

Heesung listen to him and the word orphanage makes him ill and to vomit .

"I'm sorry for talking to much ....i should probably go !" Doctor shin said but heesung cut him off " wait ....she worked at an orphanage you say , can you tell me what's her name ? " heesung asked . Hoping he would hear the name he wanted to hear .

"Her name was baek yoona " doctor shin said . Shin is a Japanese name which means that doctor shin is Japanese!.

Heesungs eyes widened when he heard her name . "Did she work at the xx orphanage?" Heesung asked . Nearly tearing up . It can't be her right ? Heesung was thinking .

"Yes ...how do you know ? " doctor shin asked .

"OH MY GOD .....she ...she used to take care of me and I missed her ..." heesung spoke ....baek yoona is the nurse that was like a mother figure to heesung , no wonder this hospital room was giving vibes same as her , it's because it's her husband who works here . Such a small word .

Heesung felt like crying and doctor shin got shocked by his words but before he could speak they both heard a sound . They both looked on where the sound came and they just happen to see Jays eyes wide open !! .

"JAY??!!!!" heesung yelled all happy while doctor shin ran up to Jay completely forgetting about baek yoona .

After some minutes of doctor shin taking care of Jay , Jay seems to be on his mind  and spoke

" heesung ...where is heesung ?" Jay spoke . His voice weak . Shin smiled on how both boys be calling for each others names .

"I'm here doctor Jay " heesung spoke , standing near jays bed and he held jays hand . Squeezing it , too scared to hurt it .Jay felt relieved seeing heesung doing all better and smiled at him .

" I'll let you two alone " doctor shin said after he fixed some stuff with jays condition and when he saw that Jay was doing better he left the room .

"Heesung ...how did we got here ?" Jay asked confused.

Heesung was just crying silently , he couldn't answer because he didn't want his voice to crack while speaking to doctor Jay .

Jay smiled at him . "Don't cry heesung ...I'm doing okay .... You can tell me everything what happened later okay ...for now let me just enjoy your presence. " Jay spoke all happy , he wasn't full of energy, he still needed to rest but seeing heesung here with him made him happy.

"Don't speak too much ....ill be here with you ...don't worry okay doctor Jay " heesung said and smiled at Jay while Jay slowly brought his hand up , really slowly and placed it on heesungs cheek lightly, heesung with his other hand cupped jays hand that was on his cheek and closed his eyes feeling his hand . He missed Jay so much .

"I really missed you ....i thought you died in my hands " heesung spoke , his voice cracking at the word "hands" . Jay just looked at him .

"I'm happy you're here with me" Jay said . Both of them smiling .

The day went on like that with them talking and heesung telling him the story on what happened, about everything.

It was night time by now . Jay was on his bed , getting an IV and feeling tired , he needed to sleep . Heesung on the other bed was laying down , staring at Jay.

"Stop staring at me and go to sleep " Jay spoke with his eyes closed.

"How did you know I was staring " heesung replied back .

"Your gaze was pierced right in my soul dummy " Jay spoke and both of them giggled .

"Jay....i want to hold you ...can I ? " heesung spoke . He really wanted to hug Jay .

"You heard what the doctor said ...I need to rest and not do nothing" Jay said with a sigh.

"But ....i miss you so much" heesung said and got up from his bed approaching jays .

"I miss you too but we can't do nothing about it-" jays words was cut off because his eyes were closed he didn't saw heesung getting up and going to him .

"Doctor shin doesn't have to know " heesung said with a sneaky smile and Jay smiled back , he couldn't resist heesung so he took the blanket off a little making room for heesung and heesung laid down . Both facing each other and hugging each other .

Laying still like that then heesung slowly picked heesungs lips making Jay to smile and he kissed him back .

" I love you doctor Jay " heesung whispered softly.

"I love you too heesung " Jay also whispered back , hoping not to get caught .

The door suddenly opened making both of them jump .

"Didn't I said not to do nothing?" It was doctor shin and heesung immediately got off the bed and went to his bed .

"I'm sorry " both of them said at the same time .

"Look you can do all the kissing and stuff when you guys get better, I won't stop you then but for now Jay really needs to heal good because he is not fully healed, you understand heesung ?" Doctor shin spoke all serious this time which heesung agreed not to do nothing stupid since it's for jays health .

"Good night then" doctor shin said then was about to leave the room but heesung spoke .

"Doctor ...can I at least get this bed more closer to Jay ? I can't see him well from here!" Heesung spoke making no sense .

Doctor shin groaned " okay fine ...but don't make them one bed " doctor shin said and didn't leave the door till heesung made his bed close to jays but only six inches apart .

The doctor left the room . Both heesung and jay were on their beds . They didn't spoke and Jay happened to fall asleep , heesung couldn't sleep he was scared on losing Jay so he kept on looking at him .

Heesung slowly pushed his hand of the bed frame taking jays from the other bed frame , he held jays hand . Staying still while holding hands with a sleeping Jay .

"I wont lose you again doctor Jay "


-thank youuu

Ending with the extras .  I hope you liked it

It's kind of boring but it's better than a sad ending

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