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I have a case of writers block lol so here's a special chapter that sort of has a timeskip

Bubbles sat on the living room couch. Damian sat next to her reading a book. The house was empty except for them and Alfred.

"Damian I'm bored. There's nothing to do." She sighed.

"Tt..well I feel the same." He set his book down. "We wouldn't be feeling this way if father had let us accompany them on the mission."

Bubbles glanced at the newspaper beside her.


An idea popped into her head. "Why don't we go to the zoo?"

"I have not been to the Gotham Zoo yet. I suppose that would be an adequate way to spend the day. I shall ask Alfred." Damian stood up from the couch.


Alfred accompanied them both to the zoo and reluctantly let Damian and Bubbles go off on their own thanks to Damian bringing up his assassin training and Bubbles reminding him of her powers.

"Where should we go first? I'm so excited! I'm going to talk to all of the animals here!" She exclaimed

Damian held up a map "If we want to efficiently view every animal I suggest that we head through this route."

"Lead the way!" Bubbles held on to Damian's hand.

The first habitat they stopped at were the monkeys. Bubbles pressed her face against the glass and Damian took pictures of them.

"Hi guys!"She spoke in monkey language.

"You can understand us human?" One of them asked.


"It is good that you can understand."

"What are they saying Bubbles?" Damian asked.

"They like that I can talk with them." She replied

"Question them if they are being well taken care of. If they are not, I will not hesitate to take this to father." He crossed his arms.

"Do you like this place?" She asked them.

"Oh yes! The food is amazing here. We never go hungry." They replied

"They're happy Damian."

"Good. Say goodbye Bubbles, we must go examine the others." Damian walked away with Bubbles trailing behind him.

"Bye everybody!" She waved at them.

"Goodbye human!"

The whole zoo trip consisted of Bubbles questioning each animal and Damian taking a mental note on whether they were well taken care of or not.

So far they had talked to zebras, lions, giraffes, birds, lemurs, sea lions, manatees, fish, and a very cute prairie dog.

Damian stopped in front of a huge fence "I believe we are at the last exhibit. It was just recently installed."

"Oh it's the elephants!" Bubbles pointed at them. "Look how cute they are Damian!"

"Yes they are magnificent creatures. If it were not illegal I would have father purchase me one as a pet."

"This kinda reminds me of the time I kept a while baby whale in the Professors laboratory."

Damian rose an eyebrow "That is quite impressive. Were you able to keep it?"

A KID NAMED BUBBLESWhere stories live. Discover now