°•°○•°♤You're the best!♤°•○°•°

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☆Start of☆
°••°♡Chapter two♡°••°

*••°The mind is endless with no GPS as you wonder you have to make sure to remember where you came from or the chances of you making it back are slim.°••*

*°•°•🚀Finney's Pov

When Robin said that I felt my heart squeeze I hate that Robin always has to go through the trouble of protecting me but he's my best friend and I love when he says things like that it let's me know he's on my side. After buzz and Matt left caring Matty Robin then walked over to the sink and started washing his hands.
"Hey fin...what's happening."

For some reason my heart fluttered when Robin said my name...it's probably because I missed him...he is my only friend after all.
"Hey Robin nothing much what's going on with you" I said as I couldn't help but smile "same ol same ol" he said washing the blood of his hands and seemed to be struggling "need some help" I looked at him and pointed to his hands "with that..." Robin lifted his head to look at me and smiled "yeah I could use a hand" "alright give me your hands pls" as he handed me his hand I grabbed my mini first aid kit that dad got me after I came home all bruised up once...he doesn't like when I leave school.

After getting the kit out I turned to Robin "could you sit up on the counter" he hummed in response and hopped up on the counter slightly cringing when something wet touched his hand I'm assuming and hoping it was water. "It may sting a bit ok" I say as I put some rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball and looked at him waiting for some kind of response and then he just nodded at me giving me the go ahead.

I put the cotton ball on his knuckles and heard him wince a little and stiffen before he got used to it and relaxed into my touch again.
"Your pretty good at this Finney boy" he suddenly said and I visibly cringed at the nickname which caused him to laugh a little
"Don't ever call me that again" I said through chuckling "why not I like the nickname....Finney boy" he said playing with my curls with his free hand causing me to blush a little NOT cause I like him...I hope.

After a while I finished patching up Robin's Hand and the bell was going to ring soon "are you going to go to first period" I ask knowing he has a habit to skip first period."hmm maybe...maybe not" he says getting of the counter and leaning on me as his way of a hug "thanks fin for bandaging me up your the best" he whispers into my ear and I shiver at the feeling "no problem Robin thanks for protecting me" I say as I put my arm around him to return the hug "don't worry about it that hijo de puta(motherfucker) deserved it".

"The bell is about to ring" I tell him chuckling at what he called them "oh before I go I've got a question" he said snapping his neck towards me I could already guess what it was "ask away" I said smiling at him "do you think you could come over today and help me with math I skipped yesterday so I have no clue what the homework is talking about" he says with a nervous half smile "yeah I'll help you...what time do you want me to come" I say excited.

I like being at Robin's house his mom is sweet and always gives me loads of motherly affection that I missed out on. "We could walk together after school...if you want" he says rubbing the back of his neck. "Sure" I say knowing that there will be consequences when I get home but ignore it for now..."alright see ya around fin" he says opening the bathroom door to leave "see ya around Robin" I say waving with a small smile.

Once Robin left I immediately felt lonely...°•●I wonder why Robin is still friends with me●•° I thought to myself. I washed my hands and then left the bathroom. When I'm walking I can feel someone walking behind me so I turn around and but there was no one there°•●am I going crazy I could have sworn there was someone here●•° when I make it to my locker I open it and put my all my stuff in there except what I need for first period which is history. As I'm doing this I feel eyes on me so I start to get nervous. Eyes are never a good thing I was just standing there until someone tapped my shoulder as gentle as gentle can be.

"Excuse me.." I hear a small voice say..I turned around to see a boy who seemed to be my age but a little shorter. "Yes is there something you need" I say with a nervous stutter..."are you ok I saw those boys running after you.." he says looking concerned "yeah I'm ok my friend helped me" I say with a small smile as I'm happy someone other than Robin is talking to me and not calling me a slur.
"I'm glad your ok..I see you around a lot I've wanted to talk to you but never saw the right moment" he says now looking at me as he had been avoiding my eyes.

"I'm glad you came to talk to me...I know talking to others is hard" I say to him with a gentle smile and he returns it "I'm Finney...Finney blake"i say "I'm Griffin Stagg it's nice to finally talk to you Finney blake" he says now smiling at me. Then the first bell rang signaling passing period I turn my attention back to Griffin "see ya around Griff don't hesitate to walk up to me" I say walking away with a big smile and waving happy I made a new friend...I think.

"Bye Finney see ya and I won't" he says returning a smile and wave. My mind starts to wonder while I'm walking as it usually does just thinking about random things °•●I wonder why Griff wanted to talk to me...what happens when the stars come out at night..can I walk to class without steeping on a Crack.●•°as I'm trying to see If could accomplish what I was thinking I bump into somebody.

°•●Just my luck isn't it●•°I immediately start apologizing while picking up my history books and papers that fell out of my hands"i'm sorry..
I'm really sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" I say nervous as I'm scared that they will get mad and start hitting me "it's no problem man let me help you" he says picking up some of my papers "thank you" I say finally gaining the confidence to look up at who I bumped into.

"Hi" he says as we lock eyes and I figure out who it is "hello" I say. Now there's an awkward silence in the air "I'm really sorry about bumping into you" I say "cmon man I already said it was ok no need to apologize anymore...I'm Billy" "yeah I know your the paper boy and you run track your pretty famous around here" he chuckles slightly before looking at me like hes expecting something.

"Oh" i say as I've figured out what he was expecting "I'm Finney" i say earning another chuckle from the boy. "Nice meeting you Finney" he then looks at his watch and starts running"see ya around finney?" He says like a question so I answer it "yeah see ya around!" I say happy another person has talked to me today.

°•●Man today has been great●•° I say smiling to myself making my way to class and as soon as I enter the bell rings. "My my Finney blake almost late again" "I'm sorry" "have a seat" she says with a long sigh. As I'm walking to my seat I quickly realize why I hate school everybody's looking at me and either laughing with their friends about me or just laughing at me while looking at me.

As I make it to my seat I quickly put my head in my arms and pay attention to the teacher or at least tried to before my mind started wondering again °•●why do they treat me this way...I wonder if Robin's mom will decide to make dinner...who invented subjects●•°just random things until I'm pulled out of my thought process once again by my name being called "Finney...Finney...FINNEY BLAKE" I flinched and looked at the teacher "what's the answer" I look at the question on the bored and luckily I read the book after school yesterday so I answered the question in a quiet voice "that is correct very good Finney" she say's smiling at me.

For the rest of the class my mind was just wondering not really paying attention until I drifted off to sleep while my mind wandered without my guidance. Until the bell rang and everyone was rushing out the door. Not me though I hate going in the crowded hallways people are always pushing but I went out anyways and heard someone call my name so I turned around and saw....

☆End of☆
°••°♡Chapter two♡°••°
Quick side note
(...)means a pause i don't like Camas

Wondering is a terrible thing°•●•°☆finneyxghostboys☆°•●•°Where stories live. Discover now