♡°•●Your So Cute {Brinney}●•°♡

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<Start Of>
■□●•Chapter 13•●□■

~•°●It's hard to keep the mind from running...sometimes you have to stop everything to just have one moment of peace in your mind●•°~

&○●³Third Person Pov³●○&
It was now Friday and finney was about to start walking home as he didn't have to wait for Gwen. That was until he heard someone call his name "Hey Finney wait up" he heard and he turned around and saw billy "hi billy" finney said...he liked being around billy he always made finney happy "can I walk with you?" Billy said...his house was close to finneys so he could walk a little extra "yeah I don't mind" finney said...he was a little confused why billy wanted to walk with him but he didn't mind "sooo doing anything next Wednesday" billy asked "not that I know of why?" Finney responded "well I've got a track race and I wanna see you in the stands" billy said smiling at finney...Finney felt his heart beat slightly faster like the way it did the first time he met Donna but why was it doing that with billy?

"I would love to go you can count on seeing me" finney said smiling "great!" Billy said "so I can come to your game tomorrow right" billy said he really wanted to see finney in action he's heard about it from bruce but he wants to see it for himself "of course you can I would like that" finney said "ok! I'll be there" said billy. For the rest of the walk they were talking about random things billy making finney laugh and cringe with his cheesey pick up lines. "Oh this is my house billy" finney said in a kinda sad tone he's never gotten to his house so fast and if he's Being honest he didn't want to stop talking to billy but if his dad found out he had someone over without asking he'd be dead.

"Aww man" billy said "bye billy I'll see ya tomorrow" finney said waving to billy "bye finney see ya" billy said giving finney a wink and walking off °•●he's so cringe●•° finney thought to himself rolling his eyes and smiling °•●I'm so happy finneys coming to my track race...I so have to win●•° billy thought to himself smiling.

☆°•Time Skip⌚•°☆

It was Saturday morning and finney just finished getting dressed °•●where is it I just had it last night●•° finney thought to himself as he was looking for his glove he had multiple but this was his special one his mom gave it to him he liked to think it was a good luck charm he didn't like playing without it. "Dad have you seen my glove!" Finney yelled down the stairs "no I haven't not since last night!" Terrance yelled back. So finney continued to look for it "come on your gonna be late finney!" Terrance yelled up the stairs finney checked one last place and he finally found it °•●Thank god●•° finney thought. He grabbed his baseball bag and walked out the door as his dad had it open waiting for him.

They had finally arrived but they were a little late as the first game was already going.Finney felt super focused he couldn't think of anything but baseball. The first quarter had ended and they were five points behind it was finneys turn to throw. Around the baseball felid finney was known for his throw it had a lot of speed and power in it it was hard to estimate when to swing your bat. Finney was throwing against some random kid on the other team it wasn't time for bruce to be out on the field yet. Finney looked in the stands before getting in to position he saw Robin and billy fighting over popcorn and griffen smiling at him he saw gwen waving at him with Donna and Susie next to her and then he looked over to the opposing team and saw bruce smirking at him and pointing to the score bored...that got him riled up.

When on the field finney and bruce were two different people bruce was cocky and he liked playing with the opposing teams feelings and finney was serious he didn't smile at all while playing. It was time the whistle blew and finney threw his ball "STRIKE 1" finney heard but that doesn't get him out of his zone time to throw again "STRIKE 2" he heard but he's still serious one more time "STRIKE 3" that's when he clapped his hand as a little celebration he looked over and saw bruce looked a little angry bruce was pretty serious about baseball. They took a break and it was now time for bruce to bat and finney was still throwing °•●alright you got this bruce you've hit his balls before●•° bruce was getting into position when he looked up and saw finney wasn't in his normal throwing pose.

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