Tinted Pink

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MK could feel his thoughts slowing, finding it harder to think by the second. The only thing keeping him grounded was the delusion he had created within his mind. The delusion that you somehow were there, close to his chest and cuddling him inside his pile of pillows and blankets. It was so vivid, he could your head against his hand as he slowly stroked something that wasn't there. He could feel your chest slowly rise and fall next to his, as he pulled a pillow closer to him.

"MK, are you okay over there little buddy?" Sandy shouted, lightly tapping the door. Despite his immense strength, his knocks were barely audible. "I brought some nice soothing tea to perk you right up!"

The words were slightly muffled through the door, but he could still make out his voice. He heard the sound of something being dropped in front of the door.

"I'll just leave this here so you can grab it later!"

He could've guessed he left after that, although it didn't matter to him either way. For some reason he didn't want to see him, not out of anger or anything, but that same voice that brought warm feelings just made him numb now. Even when Mei came to check on him, Pigsy, or Mr. Tang, he just felt...nothing. No matter how hard he tried, no feelings came to him. He just felt empty, nothing, insensate. The usually upbeat delivery boy was now a shell of his former self.

Unless he thought of you.

The way you laughed at his jokes, how your voice seemed to now be stuck in his head like a melody, or your [color] eyes that he grew to cherish, all these features that he didn't even truly notice. How could he be so oblivious? You were the pinnacle of perfection itself! A kind soul who would always come to his rescue at the drop of a hat. The feeling was overwhelming like he was drowning in his own emotions, his obsession, his love. It was a miracle how he went from apathetic to lovestruck in a few seconds.

"[Name]..." He sighed, as though you were there with him. "I love you so much...you're so wonderful." He kept mumbling to himself, praising you to nobody. He could feel his heart melt, as your voice played inside of his mind, adding to his delusion.

He could feel the breeze touching his skin, something that should've made him shiver, but it didn't. He didn't need his jacket to give him warmth, as long as you were there with him. You looked so adorable, so pretty with his jacket on you. It was a perfect fit, which shouldn't be possible all things considered. You placed your head on his shoulder as you both watched the falling sun, placing a blanket of oranges and yellows across the sky.

His hand lightly grazed yours, as you both turned to face one another. Your skin was glowing with a faint gold, the sun only adding to your alluring features. He moved closer to you, looking into your eyes. He buried his face into the pillow as you both kissed one another. It felt so real until the faint cool of the pillow brought him back to reality. It wasn't real, but he wanted it to be. He needed it to be.

"MK, you in there?"

It wasn't very loud, but he could feel a wave of warmth run through him the second he heard your voice. The very person he was craving, yearning for, had come to see him.

Mei walked into the noodle shop with a sigh, finally throwing in the towel after another failed attempt at getting MK to eat something. It was honestly hell getting him into his apartment, but at least he was there. She wasn't exactly sure what was causing all of this, this didn't seem like a flu or cold. Especially since he kept talking about you the whole time she was with him. She grabbed her phone and started typing, trying to find an explanation for his strange behavior.

"So what's exactly wrong with the kid?" Pigsy asked, setting the bowl on the counter. "Is he poisoned or something?"

"Well, it's not exactly poison," Tang explained. "It's like he's super drunk without the alcohol, though judging by the fact that he kept muttering about [Name] over and over again it might be something more complicated than that."

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