four | movies

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"What movie?" Skie asked Iain. She was laying down on the couch in her theatre room with her legs over Iain's. His hands rested on Skie's legs and he rubbed his thumb softly. The cool feeling of his rings gave Skie goosebumps. "What about a comedy," Iain suggested looking over at the girl. She nodded and went to the comedy section. "Oh my god please murder mystery. I love Jennifer Aniston," Skie pleaded, Iain chucked. He knew about her obsession with the show Friends. "Sure B," he smiled.

Skie almost squealed with excitement. "Wanna order food?" Skie asked as the sound of the Netflix intro played loudly. "Sure," Iain said handing Skie his phone. "I'll get it," she pushed his phone away. "Skie I'm getting it," he said. "Please just let me buy it," he said again. "Fine, I'm getting it next time," she responded. Iain laughed and nodded in agreement.

"What are we eating?" Iain asked. "It's feeling like a dominos day." Skie said clicking about onto his phone. "Here I got mine," she said handing his phone back to him. "You literally always get pepperoni," he laughs, Skie kicks his leg slightly. "Hey!" He whined. Skie smiled innocently sucking on her iced latte straw.

"There all paid," Iain mumbled to himself. "It'll be here in about 20 minutes," he said absently. Skie nodded totally ingrossed in the movie. Iain started tapping her leg subconsciously. Skie smiled to herself, he would do that whenever they were sitting like this. It was never weird or awkward because of how close they became on set.

Skie loved how touchy he was with her. Always touching one part of her. Whether it was her thigh or holding her waist at red carpet events or even her shoulder in between shoots. It's like he had to hold onto her to keep going. And that was it. Iain had to hold onto her. She was his first kiss they got to kiss multiple times on set. He loved it. He loved the feeling. But he could never tell her.

"Food here, I'll go grab it." Iain smiled lifting Skie's legs off his lap and placed them gently on the couch. "Thank you," Skie said her eyes not moving from the TV. Iain came back in after a couple of minutes with pizzas and garlic bread. "Yum," Skie smiled at the food. Iain placed the food down in Skie's lap then lifted her legs and placed them back down onto his lap again.

"Here's yours," she handed his pizza to Iain. Skie put the garlic bread on the table in front of them for them to share. "Cheers," he lifted up a piece of his pizza to Skie's tapping it softly. "Cheers," she smiled before taking a bite.

About half an hour later both teens were finished their pizzas. "Thank you," Skie smiled and sat up to sit next to Iain. "Don't mention it B," he placed a kiss on Skie's temple and wrap his arm around her shoulders pulling her in slightly. He wanted to sit like this forever. He wanted Skie to be his girl. He wanted to kiss her whenever she liked. But all he could do was help her, help her navigate life as a celebrity. And he was happy to do so, he was happy to just be with her. In any way. Even just platonically. Maybe.

"Thank you for coming E," Skie said all cosy in her sweater with a fluffy blanket over her shoulders. "Thank you for having me B," he smiled giving her a hug. "Are you sure you don't wanna stay?" Matthew asked from behind them. "Yeah I have to film tomorrow morning, thank you though," Iain pulled away from Skie. She reached up and placed a kiss on his cheek. "Goodbye Iain," she said. "Goodnight Skie," he whispered and waved at her dad. He stepped outside. Skie closed the door and leaned on it. "I'm down bad dad," she whispered.

"Mum, I think I love her," Iain said as he sat in the passengers seat of his mum's car.

Evrytime they were on the same page. Just never together.

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