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Urmila was not sure if she was more confused or frightened by his eerie enunciations.But catching the kindly look on the sage's face, she assumed the best and felt reassured.However, she was relieved, as were her sisters, only when they finally took their leave and proceeded back to the palace. They almost ran back, their quick steps breaking into a slow sprint...

'He is a little scary, isn't he? Weird...' Kirti giggled.

'Don't be disrespectful!' Sita rebuked her.

'I am not being rude, but he really did scare me and I was wondering if I am doing the right thing marrying a man I haven't even met,' said Kirti wryly.

' Everything seems to be going fine—too fine—and that is the reason for these unfunny jitters!' '...And his words were hardly reassuring. Was he trying to warn us about something?' asked Mandavi, puzzled. 'But then why would he, he is the one who arranged this whole affair!'

'Hush, girls, look at the brighter side—be thankful to him that he gave us our life partners and helped us stay together —even matrimony could not separate us...' smiled Sita jauntily, driving away the clouds of doubt and depressing thoughts.

They walked silently, each lost in her own thoughts when, suddenly, loud, angry words broke the peace of the place.

'...This is unfair to all of us! Why doesn't he understand?' It was a male voice and Urmila's keen ear immediately recognized it to be Lakshman's.

'Calm down, Lakshman!' they heard Ram plead, clearly trying to soothe his evidently irate brother. The brothers seemed to be in the midst of a heated argument and the passing girls could hear each word ringing clear through the window above. Courtesy demanded they moved away and not eavesdrop but the next words uttered by Lakshman rooted Urmila immobile.

'How can I remain calm when I keep insisting that I do not want to marry? Why am I being forced?' he asked furiously.

'If you don't, this is going to be embarrassing for all of us. Why are you being so stubborn?

They were talking about her. Urmila felt a certain coldness creep into her heart and with each word he pronounced, it became harder and heavier.'My marriage would be a lie, though an alluring one!' she heard Lakshman say.'It's best if I don't marry. I am saving everyone from heartache, don't you understand, brother?''Tell her then...she might understand...' Ram sounded unconvinced.'How am I supposed to tell her I cannot marry her?' There was frustration in his voice.

Urmila couldn't take it any longer; she could not bear to hear his harsh pronouncements. All she was aware of was a searing pain deep in her heart and she wanted to get away from there, from the onslaught of his savage words. She made a sudden movement, the dry leaves rustled noisily under her feet and there was a pause inthe conversation above. She looked up and saw Lakshman looking down at her. There was a look of dismal incredulity on his face...and something more. But she did not bother to know. She turned around and started to walk away as fast as she could. Mandavi made a move to come with her but she shook her head violently.

'Please, no, let me be!' she barely managed to speak.'Mila, stop!' called Lakshman from above..

She heard him but quickened her steps and made a mad dash to the woods— her childhood hideout whenever she wanted some private moments of solitude and solace.She was working herself up in a state and she did not want anyone, even her sisters, to see her like this. She was crazed with grief, the tears falling hard and fast, but not able to wash away the hurt and pain breaking her heart. She had got it all wrong. He had never loved her. He didn't want her. Hedidn't want to marry her — the rejection stung. And his repudiative words kept ringing feverishly, searing her mind, her soul, her very being.She felt discarded, thrown away in distaste and contempt.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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