1| Got ivited here again

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This is part 1



So it was a bright sunny day in Ninjago, and the ninjas were bored like a idk but then they heard that somebody knocked on the Monastery's gate.

"Can someone look at that who is that?" Kai said with a dull face. "Why don't you go there and look by yourself?" asked Jay with a teasing voice. "I can check it, if you want me Kai." the ice ninja looked at him with a tired But not too tired face. "No Zane, it's okay, i can check it" answered Kai, then he got up from the sofa where was everyone sit.

He went to the gate then saw his bestie standing in front of him. "BESTIE!!!" Kai said with a face like a 6y/o child who gets candy. "HI BESTIE!!" The girl wawed back then they hugged each other. "What comes you here, Sky?" Kai asked the red haired girl, then she replied: "I was just bored a bit in the noodle restaurant and i wanted to see My fav Ninjas" you could heard in her voice the bored and dull feeling. They went inside the monastery then Skylor wawed to everyone.

"Hi guys look who is here!!" when they heard Kai's voice everyone turned into him then they saw Skylor. "Hi Skylor! Long time no see!" Lloyd wawed her, and she wawed back. "How is your noodle shop?" asked Pixal. "Well is Working so good and so many people goes to there But i closed it cause i wanted to see you guys!" says the Amber elemental. Kai then got back to the sofa besides Cole. "Well we bored either so you'll not find fun he-" he was cut off By his phone ringing.

"Who's calming you Rocky?" Kai asked his boyfriend for answers. "It's Vania! I'll be right back!" He said kissing Kai's cheeks then he went to the kitchen. "Awww guys you are so adorable together!!!" Skylor said then looked Kai with a 'puppy' face. "Thanks Sky, But should we play something?" Asked the fire elemental to all the Ninjas and Skylor and Pix. "What abaut some Monopoly? I really love that game!" The water elemental said and she saw that everyone was nodding.


He picked up the phone. "Hi Vania! How is everything goin'?" Cole asked the quenn then got an answer: "Hi Cole, and everything is going fine here, But im a little bored and i was thinking that you and the ninjas can come here just for some fun? Some kind of sleep over!!" said Vania with an exiting face. "OMG THAT'S SUCH A GREAT IDEA!! WHEN SHOULD WE GO?" Cole was so loud that Vania thought she could get deaf. "Oh Cole just not so lound My ears omg" "sorry Vania" Cole apologized then Vania started to talk: "How abaut now? Im bored now in the time so you can come over here to Shintaro and well its a long time we saw each other." Questioned the Queen form the ninja. "Ok, I'll Tell the other, But how abaut not only the ninja go there? What abaut we invite two more friends? Is that good?" asked the raved-haired boy. "That would be great!! Bye and see you soon!!" "Bye!!!" They hang up the phone and before Cole could realise he heard a loud noise from the living room. It was Kai and Jay arguing on sm again.....


"YOU CHEATER!! THIS IS NOT HOW TO PLAY!!!" Kai glared and shouted at Jay. "OH IM SO SORRY HAIR GEL BUT YOU'RE THE ONE WHO KNOWS IT WRONG!!!" Jay argued back. "What is happening rn?" Cole asked with a confused look, he sat on the sofa then Kai sat on his lap. "Jay cheated and he thinks im the wrong BUT I CREALRY READ ALL THE RULES AND YOU'RE THE ONE WHO KNOWS THIS GAME WRONG YOU PIKACHU!!!!" Jay had a *la gasp* in his face then the smirked. "Oh im so sorry 'firefly' BUT YOU CAN'T READ!!!!" Jay teased him with this nickname. "Only Cole can call me that you b*tch" Kai said it and he glared at Jay. "Hey, Kai calm down, i believe you." Cole comforted his lover who was Still sitting on his lap. "Cole, Why did Vania called you?" Zane changed the topic that everyone calmed down and waited for his answer.

"Well She said that She is bored and asked if we can come there and have some kind of sleep over and i said Yes so we should start picking up things then go." Everyone was so waited to go back to Shintaro, But Skylor looked so confused then when everyone started packing things he went to Kai and asked: "Who is this Vania your talkin' abaut?" "She is the Queen of Shintaro and Cole's bestie After Jay of course" he said smiling then someone came in the room. "Hi firefly do you ready?" "Yes" Kai said leaving the room and Cole turned to Skylor. "Do you wanna go, cause i said Vania that i bring new friends?" The raven-haired boy asked the red-haired girl. "Yes of course, but my stuffs-" The girl was cut off By the taller boy. "Don't worry, we can go to your house, and you can Pick ur stuffs"

"Ok then" Skylor said then they both went to the living room. "I'll Tell sensei that we are going to Shintaro, so he can stay" Lloyd said with a smile then went to Wu's room and knocked. "Who is that?" The old sensei asked from his room probably meditating. "Its me Lloyd, can i come in uncle?" Asked the green ninja. "Yes, you can, What do you need?" "Well me and the other and Skylor and Pixal go to Shintaro to visit Vania and i wanted to ask that can you protect the monastery and Ninjago when we're not around?" Wu nodded then Lloyd thanked close the for and went back to the others.

Lloyd went back and saw that everyone was in the Destiny Bounty [srry i forgot how to spell:(], he then got up too and they went to Skylor's house. After She picked her things they went throught the mountains, they then saw Shintaro's beautiful city. The others was not shocked cause they saw it earlier But Pixal and Skylor's jaw was on the floor and they had glitters in their eyes. "OMG THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL" Skylor was so excited. "Yes it is, But i can't wait to see our friend again" said Cole then Kai hugged him from behind. "You're too exciting babe, just chill a bit. We all can't wait to see her again" Kai smirked then Cole turned around and kissed kis forhead. "Okay firefly" he winked then Kai blushed a lot...


"Im so booooooooooooooored" She was really bored cause She alredy did all the Queen things She had.... "Your highness?" one of the soilder came to the throne room. "Yes?" "We saw that the ninjas are here!" When Vania heard that She got up from the throne and celebrated "YESSSSSS!!! FINALLYYYYYYY! WHAT DID TAKE THEM SO LONGGGG?! OMG IM SO EXITEDDD!!" she said and in that moment the door was opened.


So i'm gonna end the first chapter here But I'll upload the next chapters there. This is My first story so i hope you guys like it.

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