11| You guys are dating?

254 4 17

Not Kailor🤭


Kai's POV:

We were walking with Skylor in Ninjago. We were doing great until Skylor spoke up. "I feel weird" She said. I turned to her with a confused look. "Wdym, weird?" I asked the girl besides me.

"Well..... a lot of people are watching us y'know." She said. I looked araund and saw she was right. It was really weird.We ignored it and we walked again.

One girl got really curious abaut something and she came to us. "Aren't you the girl from the tournaments of elements?" She said. My eyes widened when i heard that and looked to Sky if she's alright.

"Y-yes its me Skylor" she said. "You own that one noodle shop?" she asked again. I looked at Sky again. "Yes." It was the only thing she could say. "You are Kai the ninja aren't you?"

"Yes i am." I said and me and Sky looked at each other. The girl then got her phone and talked with someone. I didn't know who she was talking to but i saw that Gale Gossip is coming towards us.

"Hey people! Today we have a question everyone was asking abaut us. So im here with the fire ninja, Kai Smith and with the girl who owns Chen's noodle house, Skylor Chen. There is a question you guys dont want to ask or dont have the courage to ask. Well im gonna change that!" She said still looking at the camera.

Me and Skylor wanted to leave but when we heard that question..."Are you guys dating?" she asked. We turned araund and broke into laugher.

"Oh, Skylor! Did you heard that?!" I asked from the girl who was still laughed. "Yes!!" The riporter was confused, but when she wanted to talk i cut her off.

"No, i have a boyfriend" i said proudly. All the people was shocked that the red ninja, the one who flirts with the girls all the time, had a boyfriend?! "You're gay?" The riporter asked me. "No im bi" said and Skylor opened her mouth. "I also have a girlfriend, and im bi too." She said with the same tone as me.

We then walked off leave the shocked crowd behind. It was pretty late abaut 10pm and i saw that he coming towards me. "Hey honey." I said softly but he was worried. "Firefly?! I was so worried abaut you! You said you're only going on a few hours and you said you get home by 7pm!! I want cuddles." He said.

He was so adorable and i didn't notice the crowd was still behind us. "Oh Cole i missed you too." I said and kissed him. When i pulled away he was still hugging me. The riporter came to us. "Aren't you the earth ninja?!" She asked almost yelled. "Yes i am" he said still hugging me.

Gale Gosship tired back to the camera. "As you can see the red and black ninja are dating! For how long?!" She added. "Abaut...3 years." I said and everyone was shocked. "Can we head back? I want cuddles." Cole said and i kissed his cheeks. "Yes we can" we then headed back.

Skylor went back to her house and i think she texted with Vania all night. I then cuddled up with Cole in bed and then we went to sleep.



~world count: 587~

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