33| Kissing in the closet

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Just a short silly OS so enjoy! I guess🤷‍♀️😅

3rd person's POV—

Cole noticed, that the fire ninja, ignored him this week. It was odd, beacuse their friendship is really close. He had a quiestion in his head:

'Why is he keep ignoring me?'

The raven-haired boy thought, that he is the problem. He wanted Kai to tell him, what's bothering him, so they can talk. 'Why? I wanna hear his sweet voice. Im gonna ask Jay' he thought. He were walking in the hallway when he saw the brunette. "Hey Kai!" He greeted.

No response. He had enough. The red ninja wanted to just walk past him, but Cole grabbed his arm. "Kai. Why are you ignored me this week? Did i do something?" Kai didn't look at him. The earth ninja let go off his arm, and Kai just walked away.

This didn't feel right to Cole. His crush ignored him. He never wanted this. And this was one of his worst nightmare. He quickly made his way to the living room, where saw his bestfriend, the lightning ninja, Jay. The boy played video games, with Lloyd.

Cole just sat on the couch, besides them, without looking up from the floor, without a word. Minitues passed, and finally, the green bean noticed his friend, and paused the game. "Hey, Cole. Whats wrong?" He looked

"Kai is ignoring me."

"Really?" Cole nodded. Jay grinned like a maniac. "What is your smile for?" Cole raised an eyebrow and Jay's sudden grin. "Well, i told Kai to do that."

The black ninja got mad. "WHAT?! WHY?! You know i hate to see, that my crush ignores me." He said the last part shily, looking away. Jay laughed. "Well me and Kai played truth or dare last week, and when he got turn i asked 'Truth or dare, Kai?' and he said 'dare!' and i said:

'Ignore your crush for a week.'

And this is the reason." Cole shocked and blushed and realized that Kai liked him back. "Is that so? Well, thank you for telling me Jay." He said smiling and left. Jay and Lloyd were confused but the two friends continued their game.

The next day Cole woke up, got himself in his clothes, and went in the hallway. There was a wardrobe thingy in the hallway, and Cole hid in it. He waited minitues when saw Kai watching his phone walks by. The other boy quickly opened the door and pulled Kai in the closet. Closed it with a key.

He pinned the younger to the wall. Smiled. "C-cole? What are you doing? L-let me go-"

"No. I know you like this, i know you like me." He got closer and Kai's face flashed pink. "What?! Thats not true...."

"Really? I talked with Jay and i know you got a dare, firefly~" The brunette blushed at the sudden nickname and realised that Cole knew everything. "You, you know?! Oh.... This is so embarassing... well-" his sentence was cut off by a soft lips. The younger was shocked but slowly started to kiss back.

"Hmmm..." Kai murmured under the kiss. In the firts, their lips connection was soft, but it started to get depressive. It was a fight for dominance. "Hmp." Kai moaned. Kai didn't want to lose but he did. Cole licked his lower lip and Kai couldn't do anything, but moaned. he realized that he shouldn't have moan. Cole immedeatly slipped his tounge inside the smaller's mouth. He literally explored every part of the red ninja's mouth and their tounges met. It felt so hot for both of them and they were blushing messes.

Kai wanted to pull back but Cole didn't let him. "Hmmp!" Kai begged without words but the other just shaked his head. This was a sign for 'not yet'

Kai just obeyed and let Cole do the other things. Minitues passed and the earth ninja finally dicedes to pull back. They sepreated their lips from each other's, and a bunch of saliva was connecting their mouth. Cole licked the saliva from his mouth, and after that he licked it from Kai's lips.

"So tasty, hmmm. I didn't know you're this delicious. Im the master, i won, did i made myslef clear, Smith?" The boy were still red and became more redder in each second. "Y-yes, and.... this means, that we're dating?" Cole but his hands under Kai's crop top.

"Yes, we're, baby. I love you. I hated when you ignored me and i thought you hated me. I thought i was the problem, but if you ignoring me again, I'll give you punishments, if you know what i mean." He glared at the smaller boy who's skin got a deeper shade of red.

"Okay... i won't ignore you again...." Cole laughed. "Wow. The red ninja, who flirts with his fans all the time, is now shy? You're so cute." Kai looked up anygrily. "HEY! Im not cute."

"Yes you're."

"No, im not."

"Yes you're."

"No, im not."

"Yes you're."

"No, im not."

"Yes you're."

"No, im not."

"No you aren't."


He looked away and Cole kissed the top of his head. "Awww, i love you too, honey." Kai slightly smiled at his new boyfriend. "Can we go to the kitchen now. I didn't eat breakfast yet and im hungry." Cole give a peck on the lips for his lover. "Yes, we can." And they left to the kitchen...

Hi lava potatoes! I hope you liked this one-shot and sorry for not being online for a bit but before i forgot, this photo was requested by: BoredLavashipper . My Harry Potter UNO:

I think i got this from last year Christmas✨

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I think i got this from last year Christmas

Have a good day/night!

- words: 968 -

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