2| Feelings

238 1 17

This is pt.2 of 'got invited here again'



In that moment the door opened:

"OMG IM SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU GUYS AGAINNNN!" Vania shouted to her friends and a soilder got her a wing then when she landed on the floor she got her wings off her. "Hey ninjas! Im so glad you came here and i see you bought two more friends." The blonde-haired girl was so exited to meet others.

"Hey im Pixal! Its nice to meet you!" She wawed to Vania then She spoke up. "Oh My Gosh!! You're a nindroid, like Zane? Do you have elemental powers?" The girl was really curious then Pix answered. "No i don't but im Samurai X" Vania saw that there was someone besides Pixal. "What's your name?" the shorter girl asked the taller one. "M-me? Im Skylor Chen! Its nice to meet you!" Skylor was happy that She can get a new friend, but there was something with this girl. When Skylor saw her ocean Blue eyes, and her blonde hair.... She felt something, something new, that Skylor never felt before. She ignored it a bit.

"Do you have an elemental power?" Vania asked the same question What she asked from Pixal abaut 20 seconds ago. "Mmm-Yes! I have amber which means i can absorb elemental powers." Skylor said still looking at those beautiful eyes. "OMG REALLY?! THATS SO COOL, but why is ur last name Chen? Its so familiar from somewhere, but i don't know from where." Vania said with a really wondering face but when she said these words everyone looked at Skylor with a worrief face but Skylor then chuckled a bit then started to speak. "Do you heard of 'Tournament of Elements'?" asked Skylor from the other girl.

"Yes, i heard abaut that, There was that villain who was doing all these things and, and his name was.... Uh, i forgot but something with the letter 'C', why you asking?" Vania was really curious but the red-haired girl just smiled. "The villain name was Chen, and i am his daughter." The shorter girl was in shock then looked over to the ninjas and back to Skylor. "I don't want to be rude, but can we get our room Please cause im a bit tired, but i think the others to." Said Jay with a but tired tone.

"Ok, just a moment please!" Vania just wanted to Tell Skylor sm. "My dad is evil too, but thanks to Cole that b*tch gets What he deserves. He hurted those poor little creatures, but anyway i will show you guys your room!" She said with a smile. Skylor saw that smile and it was so cute and pretty that Skylor blushed a little but in her head she said the same things. 'What is happening to me? What is this feeling. Why i didn't felt this before?'

"This is your room Jay, Nya. You guys are soon going to marry? That's amazing! I can't wait to be in your wedding OMG!!! I thought you can get the same room. Is that good?" Vania wanted some oxigen cause she talked so fast. "1) Yes, we are. 2)We can't wait to be here too, and 3) Yes we can share thank you." Nya smirked at the Queen then Vania showed the others their room. [sorry im a bit lazy but here's who sleep with who-
-Nya with Jay
-Kai with Cole
-Pixal with Zane
-Lloyd with his pillowmints
-and Skylor in her own room]

After that Skylor showed the others the whole city, what's underground, and the whole palace. It started to went Dark and Vania wanted to watch a film with the others. "What movie do you guys want to watch? We have Croods and How to train your Dragon or a more scarier one named 'Jurassic World'" the girl asked but Kai Jump és when he heard the last one. "JURASSIC WORLD!!!!!!!! WE SHOULD WATCH THAT MOVIE!!  ITS SO GOOD!!!!!" The brunette yelled so loud. "Firefly calm down. We can watch that if u want." Cole said softly to his partner and then Kai calmed down a bit.

"Why do you want to watch that again bestie? You saw that film abaut a 1000 times!" "Cause its so amazing and i recommend it to everyone!!" Kai always watch this film when he has time. Not only the first film all the six parts (jurrasic park 1-jurrasic world 3, and i say this cause i love that film sm)

"It says that this film has dinosaurs in it?! Omg 16+?! What film is that?! A horror one?!" Vania's voice was so scared..."No, its no even that scary....its just exiting!!" Kai really wanted to see this film again. "Do the dinos eats people in it Kai?" Nya glared at his brother then the fireboy said. "Pft- ofc no-" he stopped when saw Nya send a death glare that was scarier than
everything..... "Don't lie to him honey~. You don't want her to murder you later, do you?" Cole raised an eyebrow to him then Kai don't wanted to lie to Cole... "Okay fineeee. They eat." "It looks so cool can we watch it?" Jay asked. "Yea, it looks so pretty interesting" says Pixal. They watched the film. After that they played a lot of  games then they played T. or D.

"Guys its 1:30 am in the morning, we should go to sleep." Zane said to the others. "Ok, then goodnight ninjas!" Vania wawed to them then they wawed back. After Vania went to her room Skylor wanted to say something. "Nya can i talk to you abaut something, and Pixal you should stay too Please." Skylor asked the girls while the boys went to sleep.

"So, What did you wanna talk abaut Sky?" Nya asked with a confused look. "I have a feeling that i never felt before..."

So im gonna end here But im so sorry that english is not my og languange and im sorry for all the mistakes in the stories But im trying. And i Run out of ideas so im hope that you will understand that, and don't hate thank you :)

~Words: 1031~

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