Chapter 11

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As much as Gracie loved her fiancé and his siblings, she was looking forward to having a moment to herself

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As much as Gracie loved her fiancé and his siblings, she was looking forward to having a moment to herself. Since getting back together with Darrel, most of her time was always spent with other people. This wasn't something she was upset with or regretful of, but with the knowledge that soon she won't truly get the chance to be alone again, Gracie wanted to take full advantage of her time away from others. Since hearing the baby could be born any day now, she'd been looking for an opportunity to avoid anyone who could extract the secret she'd been holding closely to her chest.

Gracie was bustling about the house when Dallas pulled up to the Curtis house. A pile of baby clothes in a laundry basket sat in the middle of the living room, and Gracie had paced past it about three times before running her fingers through her hair, sighing, and bending over to grab the basket to move it into her and Darry's room. Dally had watched the scatter-brained action from Gracie suspiciously as he entered the home, and rushed to her side the minute he heard a sharp gasp escape her. With his arm bearing most of her weight, Dally helped straighten out Gracie's crumpled body. Gently, he helped her to the couch where Gracie's hand clasped tightly around Dally's for a moment until the pain passed. As soon as it looked as though Gracie was okay, Dallas hurried into the kitchen to grab some water for her.

"Thank you," she sighed through her wanning pain and pushed herself up against the cushions of the couch.

"It's nothing," Dallas signed as he lowered himself into the sofa cushion and kicked his foot up to rest on his opposite knee.

"You've been a big help to me when Darry isn't around. I just want you to know that I appreciate all you've done the past few months." Gracie's voice, which was usually uplifting and bright, seemed as if it had dragged itself from a puddle of mud. Dal could tell something in her demeanor had been knocked more and more off kilter the closer she got to having the baby. Dal also knew that if he wanted to get anything out of Gracie, he needed to first give up something of his own. At first he thought it was a form of emotional manipulation, but he quickly learned that Gracie is just as guarded in what she divulges to others as he is. Talking to her openly encouraged her to talk to someone else openly. She was just as stubborn as Austin, and after getting to know Gracie, he found it strange how easy it was for him to open up to both Austin and Grace, yet how different his relationship with each woman was. Regardless of knowing Gracie had something she wanted to talk to someone about, but didn't know how or who to talk to, Dally's decision and willingness to be open didn't come without an internal hesitancy which led to him nearly biting his tongue as he spoke.

"You know, I've never liked little kids, but for some reason I'm excited to meet this one." Dallas's voice was uncharacteristically soft as he spoke to the woman who sat beside him with her hands gently resting on her unborn child. A smile somehow crept onto her face despite her unwillingness to be joyful in the moment, and Dally can tell her reaction was forced. "Are you okay, Grace?" His words hadn't existed longer than a second before as a single tear slid down the face of one of the strongest women he'd ever known.

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