CH 25 Rosaline

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As the guard hoisted me up by my injured arm, a sharp hiss escaped my lips, my annoyance etched across my face like a scar. "Don't give me that look, girl," he grumbled, his tone dripping with disdain. "There'll be no special treatment unless you're willing to give something back for it."

I shot him a withering glance, my disdain matching his own, as he ran his eyes over my body, a lecherous gleam suggesting he saw more than just a prisoner. As if I would willingly let this imbecile touch me. A shudder rippled through me under his scrutiny, but exhaustion had long overtaken any inclination to fight back. I resigned myself to being dragged along, too drained to resist.

Turning a corner, I caught sight of the main cell where everyone was gathered. We approached the front door, and I noticed their hungry gazes fixed on the smears of whatever sustenance they'd been given in my absence. Hungry and tired they might be, but at least they were whole, not battered and broken like me. I counted that as a small victory.

The guards exchanged a glance, some silent understanding passing between them. Then, the one named James—or whatever his name was—sneered at me before swinging the door open. His partner, the one who had been manhandling me, shoved me forward, and I stumbled, landing ungracefully on my rear. Oh, how I swore to myself that I would exact revenge on him once I regained my strength. I despised feeling weak and vulnerable as if I were some damsel in distress. No, I was no mere cartel princess; I was a queen now, and my family lost to me forever.

Summoning whatever strength remained, I rose on unsteady legs, scanning the dimly lit cell in search of Mateo and Alejandro. My heart clenched at the sight of them both, lying on their sides, their faces contorted in agony. They bore the unmistakable marks of a brutal beating, their bodies frail and broken. With a burst of determination, I dashed to their side, collapsing between them.

"Are you okay?" I asked, my voice trembling with concern. "What happened to you both?"

Mateo's face bore the marks of a brutal assault a bleeding nose, broken fingers, and a swollen eye that threatened to close shut. His arm lay at an unnatural angle, a silent testament to the cruelty of our captors.

Turning to Alejandro, I found him barely conscious, his body battered and bruised. But it was Mateo who looked worse, his pain etched into every line of his face.

Instinctively, I reached out to cover his battered visage with my hands, seeking to shield him from further harm. But he stopped me, his eyes locking with mine in silent understanding.

"Please," he whispered, his voice strained with pain. "Tell me you're okay, Rosaline. I can't bear to see you like this. I can't do this without you."

Our gazes held, speaking volumes in the silence between us. We were bound by more than just duty or circumstance; we were bound by a love that ran deeper than any wounds inflicted upon us.

"I'm here," I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper. "I'm here, Mateo. We'll get through this together."

As we whispered our reassurances to each other in the darkness, I felt a sense of peace wash over me, knowing that no matter what trials lay ahead, we would face them as one.

Mateo's grip on my hand tightened, his fingers trembling slightly against mine. I could feel the pain radiating from him, not just the physical agony of his injuries, but the deeper anguish that gnawed at his soul.

"I'm okay," he insisted, his voice strained, but his eyes betrayed his words. They held a depth of concern, a fear that mirrored my own. "But I'm worried about you, Rosaline. They'll find out who you are soon, and I can't bear to think of what they'll do."

His words sent a shiver down my spine, a cold realisation of the danger we were in. I squeezed his hand reassuringly, trying to convey my strength despite the fear that threatened to consume us both.

"Who did this to you, Mateo?" I asked softly, my gaze searching his face for answers. But he averted his eyes, a shadow of guilt flickering across his features.

I gently cupped his chin, forcing him to meet my gaze. "You'll never be weak in my eyes," I whispered fiercely. "But I need to know who did this. We need to protect each other."

There was a moment of hesitation, a silent struggle within him. Then, with a heavy sigh, he began to speak, recounting the events that had led to our imprisonment.

"I overheard them talking," he admitted, his voice low and pained. "It was your uncle. He didn't reveal your identity directly, but he provided enough information for them to suspect. They know it's one of us, and they're sure it's a female."

As he spoke, a mixture of shock and betrayal washed over me. My own uncle, orchestrating such treachery to seize power for himself.

"But why would he do such a thing, he already killed my father and family he has the throne what more does he want?" I asked, my voice trembling with disbelief.

Mateo shook his head, his expression haunted. "he needs to know you are gone for good so no one can challenge him when he takes this change of leadership with all the main high-up cartel gangs, he wants security. But we can't dwell on that now. We have to focus on getting out of here, on keeping you safe."

Together, we would weather this storm, drawing strength from each other's resilience. As we faced the uncertain future ahead, I knew that as long as we stood united, we could overcome any obstacle in our path.

Their pain was palpable, their suffering etched into every line of their faces. But as I nestled myself between them, a sense of fierce protectiveness washed over me. I might not be able to shield them from the physical torment they endured, but I would be their solace, their beacon of hope in this sea of darkness. For I was Rosaline, and even in the depths of despair, I would reign as the queen of my destiny.

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