CH 28 Logan

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A blood-curdling scream echoed down the dank corridor, raising the hairs on the back of my neck as stood at the cell door studded to silence.

Mateo was secured to a chain hung to the ceiling his face a mask of agony and slick with sweat. My brother Noah loomed over him, pliers glinting menacingly in his hands as he wrenched another nail from Mateo's toes. A raw, animalistic howl tore from the young man's lungs.

"What in the ever-loving fuck is going on here?" I snarled, the question directed at my father's impassive form near the back of the chamber.

He regarded me with flat, unreadable eyes for a long moment before replying. "Interrogation. The boy needs to be...motivated to share everything he knows about his aunt's operations."

"And torturing him to death was your brilliant plan?" I fought to keep my voice even as I stepped between Noah and his whimpering victim. "Look at him, father! He can barely speak, let alone give you anything of value."

Noah sneered at me over Mateo's quivering form. "Standing in my way again, little brother? Should I be surprised?"

"Enough, both of you." My father's tone brooked no argument as he moved to join us. "Noah, step away and let the boy recover his senses. We'll try again on the morrow."

With obvious reluctance, Noah tossed the pliers onto a nearby table with a clatter and stepped back, dragging the back of his hand across his sweaty brow. I shot him a look of disgust before turning back to my father.

"Why wasn't I included in this?" I fought to keep my anger in check. "I'm meant to be prepared to take over, am I not? Instead, you have me chasing ghosts while Noah gets his hands bloody with the real work."

Father's face remained infuriatingly blank. "Your time will come, Logan. For now, you need to trust that I know what's best when it comes to handling...sensitive matters."

"With all due respect, this smacks of anything but a measured Auction, Father." I jerked my chin toward the moaning, barely conscious form of Mateo. "What could he possibly know of true value that would justify such brutality?"

A muscle twitched in my father's jaw, but he held my stare. "Listen to me very closely, boy. Fernandez Don is meeting with us in the morning his new machismo is in charge of their operations here in London and we will discuss the drug transaction. We need to be ready to negotiate from a position of strength."

The bottom dropped out of my stomach, but I kept my expression neutral. Of course, the escalating tensions with the Mexican cartel would come to a head now, just when Daniel and I were so close...

"I'll be ready," I said tightly. "But I won't have a hand in whatever shit show this is. See that our...' guest' is properly taken care of so he can speak come daybreak."

Not waiting for a response, I pivoted on my heel and stormed from the blood-stained cell, jaw clenched and mind racing. Now more than ever, it was imperative that Daniel and I accelerate our plans...

By morning light, everything could reach a tipping point from which there was no return.

As the next mooing came around Father and I ended for our dreaded meeting with the Fernandez don.

The warehouse reeked of stale cigar smoke and the briny tang of the Thames. My gaze swept over the gathered Mexican and Chile lackeys slouched against the walls, fingers twitching near concealed weapons. At the centre of it all stood a weathered caballero with a hardened face and glinting obsidian eyes.

"Vincent Fernandez, I presume," I said, extending my hand. "We've been expecting you."

He looked me up and down appraisingly before giving my hand a firm shake. "Sí, el nuevo patrón of the Fernandez cartel's London operations. Your padre and I have much to discuss."

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