CH 37 Logan

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Roalsine's stunned expression upon returning from her "brothers" elicited a low, rumbling chuckle as I took in her flustered state after our intimate dinner. She looked utterly delectable in that moment eyes wide, lips parted in surprise, chest rising and falling with quickened breaths. My gaze roamed shamelessly over her lithe form, admiring the way the soft candlelight gilded her skin.

When her pupils blew wider, I knew she'd caught me openly appraising her assets. Rather than look abashed, I quirked one brow challengingly. "See something you like, my dear?"

A becoming flush stained her cheeks, but Roalsine rallied quickly with a coy smile. "I could ask you the same. Though I must say, you do cut a dashing figure this evening, Logan."

"Why thank you." With a sinuous grace, I rose and closed the distance between us. Roalsine tilted her head back to maintain eye contact, her lips a scant breath away. "I do so love when you pay me compliments..."

One finger traced along her jawline as I drank in her features with unabashed hunger. So captivating, this woman - an intoxicating blend of strength, intelligence, and smouldering sensuality that continually drew me into her flame. No longer able to resist, I angled her chin up and brushed a tantalising ghost of a kiss across her parted lips again.

Roalsine made a soft sound of longing in the back of her throat, her fingers curling into the lapels of my jacket as if to anchor herself. Pressing my advantage, I slowly walked her backwards until her body was flush against the oak door behind her. A whisper away, the solid planes of our forms aligned in delicious friction.

"Logan..." she breathed my name like a prayer, desire darkening her eyes. My hands roamed her lithe curves hungrily.

"Roalsine," I rumbled in return, dragging my lips along the slender column of her throat. She shuddered, nails raking deliciously over my shoulders. "I do so enjoy these little...private moments between us."

"As do I," she husked, arching into my touch wantonly. "Though I can't help but wonder what prompted such lavish attentions this evening?"

Leaning back fractionally, I regarded her through half-lidded eyes and smirked. "Perhaps I simply felt like indulging my more...primal urges, hmm?" One hand boldly palmed the swell of her hip, pulling her snug against my hardened length. "Is that so wrong?"

A tremulous breath escaped her lips as realization dawned in those mesmerizing eyes. ", I suppose not."

"Good." I nipped at the tender skin just below her ear, relishing her sharp gasp. "Because I must confess to another reason for arranging this intimate little soirée."

Roalsine stilled, studying me intently as I drew back wearing what I knew was an insufferably smug expression.

"You've been...keeping company with your brothers of late, have you not?" At her barely perceptible start of surprise, my smirk widened. "Oh yes, I'm well aware of your clandestine meetings, my sweet. Though I'll admit, I've yet to discern their precise purpose for being in my territory."

A tense silence stretched between us, thick with unspoken questions and silent challenges. Finally, Roalsine inclined her head a fraction.

"I see you have me at a disadvantage once again." Her fingers brushed my cheek in an almost tender caress. "Though I maintain as ever that I am yours, Logan. You have my loyalty - my everything."

Leaning into her touch, I turned my head and pressed a heated kiss into her palm. "And you have my trust, without question. Which is why I don't intend to pry...for now." My eyes bored intensely into hers. "But should anything compromise what we've built, I will be most displeased. Are we clear?"

A beat passed before Roalsine dipped her chin once. "Crystal."

Satisfied, I allowed one of my rare genuine smiles to surface. "Excellent. Now then..." I pressed myself against her again, delighting in her sharp inhale. "Why don't you slip away and freshen up? I'll have the meal plated so we can dine...properly."

My emphasis left little doubt as to my interpretation of a 'proper' dining experience between us. Roalsine's throaty chuckle resonated through me like an exquisite caress.

"As you wish." With one last searing look, she slipped from my embrace and made her way toward the washroom - adding an extra swivel to her hips that very nearly made me groan aloud.

Bloody temptress. She would likely be the utter undoing of me one of these nights.

But what an absolutely delectable way to unravel...

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