CH 26 Logan

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As I sat in my room, the weight of my brother's actions heavy on my shoulders, a mix of emotions churned within me. Disdain for what Noah had done to Yelena's nephews warred with the begrudging acceptance that it was necessary. But it was hard to swallow the bitter truth that it had all been orchestrated by our father's orders.

Noah sauntered in, looking disturbingly fresh as if he hadn't spent the last few hours torturing and badgering Mateo and Alejandro. His nonchalant demeanour grated on my nerves, a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing within me.

"What is it, brother? Why so glum, chum?" he quipped, seemingly oblivious to the gravity of the situation.

"Get out, Noah," I snapped, unable to bear his presence at that moment. "I can't look at you right now."

But Noah, ever persistent, took a seat beside me on the bed, undeterred by my coldness. He launched into his explanation, his words piercing through the haze of my thoughts.

"We have a lead," he said, his tone tinged with excitement. "They're protecting her, so she's definitely in that cell. It's probably that hot maid."

His mention of Rosalind sent a jolt of memories flooding back, memories of our encounter just days ago. Despite my efforts to push her from my mind, her image lingered, an unwelcome distraction in the midst of chaos.

My thoughts drifted to the undeniable attraction I felt towards her, the magnetic pull that drew me in despite my better judgment. The memory of her body pressed against mine, the heat of her presence igniting a primal desire within me, it was both tantalising and tormenting.

But I couldn't afford to indulge in such thoughts, not now, not when everything was at stake. I had tried to drown out the longing with fleeting encounters, but she lingered in my mind, an enigma I couldn't decipher.

"I can't get her out of my mind," I confessed, my voice barely above a whisper. "And I don't know what to do about it."

Noah regarded me with a knowing look, his expression sympathetic yet tinged with amusement.

"Maybe it's time to stop fighting it, brother," he suggested, his tone surprisingly earnest. "Maybe it's time to embrace what you truly desire."

As Noah's words sank in, a whirlwind of conflicting emotions swept through me. Maybe he was right. Maybe I was holding onto outdated ideals, clinging to a notion of purity in a world tainted by darkness. After all, in this cutthroat world, being a virgin was seen as a flaw, a weakness that could be exploited, especially for someone destined to become the future don of our gang.

The frustration boiled within me, a simmering rage at the unfairness of it all. But I refused to succumb to such base desires, to throw away my principles for the sake of fleeting pleasure.

"Ugh, this is infuriating," I muttered, shaking my head in disbelief. "But no, I won't stoop to that level. And you better stay away from her, Noah. Don't even look at her funny."

Noah raised his hands in mock surrender, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Chill, Logan. I'm not about to jeopardise our plans. Besides, I've got a chick waiting for me in my room. Just pray Maria doesn't annoy her to the point of leaving."

With that, he sauntered out of my room, his nonchalant demeanour belying the gravity of our situation. As he disappeared from sight, a sense of unease settled over me. Noah's cavalier attitude masked a deeper recklessness, a disregard for the consequences of his actions that could prove fatal in our world.

But for now, all I could do was steel myself against the temptations that lurked within the shadows, to hold fast to my principles even as the world around me threatened to drag me into its darkness.

After Noah's departure, a familiar knock echoed through my room, and Daniel, one of my trusty guards, entered without waiting for permission. His presence brought a sense of urgency, and I braced myself for whatever news he brought.

"What is it, Daniel? Anything of importance?" I inquired, my tone clipped with exhaustion.

Daniel stood before me, his expression grave. "Not sire, all is well. I just wanted to inform you that we've moved the girl back to the main cell and waited until she saw the two men you took before with Sir Noah."

Annoyance flared within me at the realization that this whole scenario had been orchestrated. "Fine," I grumbled, begrudgingly accepting the situation. "I'll go to the main cell and see for myself. Perhaps now she'll understand the extent of what we're capable of."

But Daniel's hesitation caught my attention, his gaze searching mine with a hint of uncertainty. "What is it, Daniel? Spit it out. I'm tired of these half-notions."

"Sir, why are you so fixated on breaking this maid?" he questioned, his voice tinged with curiosity. "There are others—it could be any one of them. It could even potentially be Yelena herself. We haven't spoken to her since they arrived two weeks ago."

I paused, considering his words. He had a point, of course. It could be anyone among the maids, and my gut feeling about Rosaline being the heir was just that—a feeling. But something deep within me refused to let go of the notion.

"Daniel, sometimes it's not about what's logical," I responded, my voice tinged with frustration. "It's about following instincts, even if they seem irrational. Besides, even if she isn't the heir, I'm formulating a different plan to connect with Yelena's nephews and her. We'll overcome this bloodshed and overthrow my father. But for now, let's see what unfolds in the main cell." As I confided in Daniel, a sense of relief washed over me. He was the only one I could truly trust, the only one who shared my vision for change within our organization. His unwavering loyalty gave me hope that I wasn't fighting this battle alone, that there were others who believed in a better future.

He listened intently as I outlined my plan, his expression unreadable but his eyes reflecting a silent determination. I knew I could count on him to keep this information under wraps, to ensure it didn't reach my father's ears prematurely. After all, Daniel was more than just a guard—he was a confidant, a co-conspirator in our quest for justice.

As I spoke, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt for not sharing this with my brother, Noah. But I knew he would jump at the chance to overthrow our father, his hatred for him almost as fierce as mine. Yet, I hesitated to involve him until I had a solid plan in place. Noah's impulsiveness could prove to be both an asset and a liability, and I needed to ensure that we were ready before we made our move.

But for now, I took solace in Daniel's presence, in the knowledge that I wasn't alone in my fight against the corruption that plagued our family. Together, we would navigate the treacherous waters ahead, forging a path towards a future where justice and honour reigned supreme. And as we stood united in our resolve, I knew that nothing could stand in our way.

As Daniel nodded in understanding, a sense of determination washed over me. Whatever the outcome, I would trust my instincts and forge ahead, guided by a vision of a future where justice prevailed over tyranny.

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