CH 43 Logan

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As the day drags on, we remain motionless on the warehouse roof where they're keeping my sister. We've been here for four hours, hunched over, waiting. It took us all day to drive to Scotland; they had to pick the farthest place possible. Noah and I exchange glances when we spot our sister being dragged inside, flanked by two goons with Hector leading the way. And there, on a throne-like chair, sits the benefactor. Could he be more egotistical?

"We need to stay sharp," Noah whispers. "They're bringing her in."

Alejandro mutters, "Seems like the benefactor is in charge and not just funding Hector."

I nod. "But who would want to back Hector? Does Don Pablo have another brother we didn't know about?"

Alejandro shrugs, trying to lighten the mood. "It's possible. This whole situation is insane."

"Focus," I snap. "We need to figure out who this benefactor is. He kidnapped Maria and blew up my mansion. He put my angel in danger. It's a wrong move."

We inch forward, dropping down a level to get closer and hear the conversation below. Hector's voice rises in anger.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, ordering my men to kidnap this girl? We need the heir, and we both know who she is. They've hidden her well," Hector growls.

The benefactor, shrouded in a cloak and hood, remains silent. Noah murmurs, "Looks like Hector's the only one who knows who the benefactor is."

I curse under my breath. "This is going to be a nightmare. We need to get Maria and get out of here."

Moving closer, we stay low, guns ready. Suddenly, Hector pulls out his own gun and shoots the men by the benefactor's chair. But more men surround him instantly. The benefactor finally speaks, his voice cold and mocking.

"You think you can threaten me and talk to me in that tone? I made you who you are. Without me, you'd be nothing, just your big brother overshadowing you at every turn. I helped you kill, deceive, and fund your operation so I could take the title, with you as my right hand. Your kids were supposed to be the new dons after me. But no, you had to complicate things by not killing her. How could a woman trick you? And you couldn't even make a proper deal with that English goon, Charles, to get part of his land in London for expansion. We already have most of Scotland. I have to do everything myself, you idiot."

He pulls out a dagger and throws it at Hector. Hector, too slow to react, gets hit in the shoulder and groans loudly. Maria whimpers in fear, and my heart clenches. This was never supposed to happen to her; that's why we kept her in the dark.

Hector falls to the ground, clutching his shoulder. Two men force Maria to kneel in front of the benefactor's chair. He touches her head like she's a pet, then drags his fingers across her cheek, lifting her chin.

"Ah, my little lamb," he sneers. "You're nothing but bait. I know where the heir is, but why just kidnap her when I can make them all suffer? Charles himself said I could have you if I leave them alone. I guess the rumours are true; he loves your brothers more than you. That's a father I can respect. He sees that women are useless, just like my sister will be when I'm done with her."

Alejandro's head whips toward me, confusion and disgust in his eyes. We spent months trying to figure out who the benefactor is, and now we're so close. I can taste it. But we need to get Maria out of here.

"Noah, Alejandro," I whisper urgently. "We need a distraction. I'll go for Maria. Noah, you cover me. Alejandro, take out the lights."

Noah nods, gripping his gun tighter. "On it."

Alejandro prepares his gear, eyes narrowed. "Ready when you are."

I take a deep breath. "On three. One... two... three."

Alejandro shoots out the lights, plunging the room into darkness. Chaos erupts as men shout and scramble. Noah fires, picking off targets with precision. I sprint towards Maria, adrenaline pumping.

The benefactor shouts orders, but his men are disoriented. I reach Maria, cutting her bonds quickly.

"Logan!" she gasps, relief flooding her voice.

"It's okay, Maria. We're getting you out of here," I reassure her, pulling her to her feet.

We move swiftly, dodging through the chaos. Alejandro and Noah provide cover, their shots precise and deadly. We make it to the exit, but the benefactor's voice stops us cold.

"Leaving so soon, Logan? This isn't over."

I turn, meeting his shadowed gaze. "You messed with the wrong family. We'll be back for you."

He laughs, the sound chilling. "I'll be waiting."

We don't wait to hear more. We burst out of the warehouse, making a beeline for the car. Alejandro peels out of the parking lot, tires screeching.

"We need to regroup," Noah says, breathless. "Figure out our next move."

I nod, holding Maria close. "We will. And then, we'll take him down."

As we make our way out, more men swarm us, preventing us from reaching the car in time. They snatch Maria from my arms and drag her back into the warehouse as we continue fighting the benefactor's men.

"Noah, they got her! We can't handle this much longer; there are too many of them!" I shout, my voice barely carrying over the chaos. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Noah nodding, desperately trying to break into the warehouse while Alejandro and I fend off the attackers.

"We need to follow him in. There are definitely more men than we thought. Where the hell are they coming from? They're like ants swarming everywhere!" Alejandro shouts, plunging a dagger into a man's neck. We nod at each other and dash in the direction Noah went.

"Ahhh, stop it! Leave me alone!" Maria's screams pierce the air. I track her movements as she's handed to the benefactor. Glancing at Alejandro, I see recognition flash across his face. Could he know who the benefactor is?

"Go save your sister, I'll cover you!" Alejandro yells, shooting another thug in the head while trying to locate Noah. I make a beeline for Maria, but the benefactor isn't running; he's heading to his throne. I pause, realising this is chaos. What was meant to be a quiet, subtle extraction is now a full-blown battle.

Suddenly, the warehouse gates burst open with a deafening bang. Reinforcements flood in. "Here we go again," I think, bracing myself for the fight of our lives.

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