Try Again

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"Please try again."

He tried ignoring the voice.

"Please try again."

"Shut up!"

"Please try again."

"Shut up, shut up!"


Sirius glanced out at James, then sighed. "Not you."

"I know that, but what are you thinking?"

"I'm not sure. I can't find Regulus," Sirius said.

"This brother that doesn't exist?"

"Well, yes," Sirius said. "And no. He does exist. You just don't—well, I guess I could have shifted to a time frame where he doesn't exist, which would surely be my luck, right?"

"I really don't know what you're talking about."

Sirius reached up, rubbing the back of his head, thinking. "Not sure what to do, really." He took a deep breath. "There is that girl." His eyes blinked. "Hey, can you help me find the first-year Muggleborn girl?"


"Just go with me and ask the first-years if they know of a first-year girl who is Muggleborn."


"Humor me? Please," Sirius asked.


Sirius got up, searching the castle now for any and every first year he could find, although he found himself thinking some in his year and the year above were first years, much to the irritation of those individuals, yet—

"Sorry. But I am honestly not sure who you are talking about."

"Sirius, we're getting nowhere."

"Please try again," the voice said again.

Sirius swallowed. "I can't. I can't give up, can't wallow, can't—this just can't end here. If it did..." He took a deep breath. "I don't know what I'd do with myself."

Then, "Why are you looking for her?"

Sirius' eyes widened, "Because I'm looking for my brother!" And then a hand clapped over his mouth. "Nobody remembers, so..."

"Regulus? I heard someone saw him over that way."

"You mean, my brother is here? Nobodies saying he doesn't exist?"

"Sirius," James sighed. "When has anyone said such a thing?"

Relief washed over Sirius, but then—

He swallowed.

"I'm not sure what that means. What any of this means."

The Four Interchanging Lives of Regulus Black (Harry Potter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now