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A bird twittered.

Regulus turned his head, heavy as it was, to look at the sunlight drifting through his bedroom window and the bird that lit upon it.

In his head—

Regulus closed his eyes, remembering watery depths and dead hands trying to drag him down, a dream, a—

"It felt so real."

Something told him the events were real, that—

"I should be dead. I..."

Regulus opened his eyes, looking at the ceiling of his room, then lifted his hands to see that he really was alive, frowning upon seeing how small they were. In confusion, he arched his back, looking above his bed for the collage that he'd started involving the lies the Ministry of Magic told through the newspapers about the Dark Lord, Lord Voldemort, only they weren't lies.

And the newspaper collage wasn't there, nor was the motto he'd painted over his bed.

Slowly, Regulus stood up, eyes blinking, taking in the green wallpaper of his room and the lack of Slytherin banners that adorned his room the moment he returned from Hogwarts the first time, something their mother, Walburga Black, allowed as it ran counter to what Sirius did to his room.

His small mouth opened, his mind still in a fog.

And then, he turned in the bed, letting his feet slip from under the covers, and groggily headed to the wardrobe for a change of clothes before heading down the stairs, forgetting to do something regarding his hair despite there being that buzzing sensation that Walburga Black wouldn't be pleased with his appearance.

Sirius—a younger Sirius, was there, eating breakfast with their parents, while he remained unnoticed, or he thought until Sirius looked up and—

Regulus' eyes blinked, confused at the grin Sirius sent his way, one hand lifting to wave back at his brother only for the other to reach up, knowing this was improper behavior for—

"I'm not heir."

The fact Sirius was home, in the house—

He would have smiled then, taken in the fact the burden of being heir wasn't on his small shoulders, but then—

The conversation between their parents—

"I think we shouldn't send Regulus to Hogwarts, dear."

Regulus' breath drew in, his lip trembling while the smile left Sirius' face. Their father looked up, emotionless as ever. "What?"

"With what happened last night..."

"No, no, no!" Regulus thought, his eyes closing. "This isn't fair!" but as he thought about how unfair it was, he felt the pulling sensation that occurred when one apparated as tears started to well in the corners of his eyes, his hands going up to cover his ears. "No, no!"

"What the?"

Regulus was startled, eyes opening to see a boy with brown hair and brown eyes there, staring at him from where he sat at a table in the middle of rows of books. He let out a sniffle. "Lettie?"

"Do I..." The other boy's eyes blinked. "Do I know you?"

"No," Regulus thought. "I don't know you."

But there was still that feeling he did know the person, some far-off memory his mind couldn't reach as Regulus started to sob.

"I—uh," the boy cleared his throat, then placed his book down, coming over to touch Regulus' shoulders, which only made things worse.

A girl with brown hair peeked around the corner, as did an older gentleman with salt-and-pepper hair, but the man said, "What the?"

"Who is that?" the girl asked, pointing.

"I don't," the older boy said. "He just appeared." Then, with a tone of irritation, the boy said, "Literally." Then, "He knew my name. No, my nickname, of all things. Who is he?"

"I'll—hold on," the old man said. "Just don't worry about it."

"Yes, but," the older boy, Lettie, said, then sighed as he was left with Regulus, who continued to cry despite feeling safe around the boy. "Hey, don't be scared. Where are you from? You're home?"

"Don't wanna," Regulus muttered, unable to control his crying.

"Go home?"

Regulus shook his head, but then—


He turned his head, sniffing, seeing his grandfather there, looking at him in surprise. Then, the old man lowered himself to one knee, opening his arms, and Regulus hurried in, wrapping him in an unexpected hug.

"Let's get you home, dear one," Arcturus Black said, lifting him gently, obviously taking Regulus home even though Regulus didn't want to go.

The Four Interchanging Lives of Regulus Black (Harry Potter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now