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Only the girl wasn't there.

Sirius' eyes blinked.

He turned his head to look at the Hufflepuff table and blinked again.

Regulus wasn't there.

"Black, Regulus," McGonagall called out.

Sirius sucked in his breath, confused, turning. "But, isn't Regulus sorted already? Why is he—this shouldn't be happening."

He watched his younger brother approach the hat meekly, looking at the ground, but Regulus' eyes—

Sirius narrowed his eyes, taking in the slight red puffiness around his brother's eyes and the slight redness to his nose, indicating that Regulus ended up crying for some reason. He let out a huff. "If she's hurt him."

"Who? Your mother?" James asked.

Sirius' eyes blinked, his head turning. "Well..." He took a deep breath. "Maybe it wasn't a she, but a he?" He glanced at his pumpkin juice. "I almost slipped there and said something I shouldn't. And who is that girl? I mean..."


Sirius' head jolted up, looking at Regulus, who—

"So he's a bloody know-it-all," Peter sighed, resulting in Sirius tensing.

"Hey." Sirius shook his head. "Don't mess with my little brother, Pettigrew."

"I, uh," Peter squeaked out as Sirius turned his head to look at Regulus, to see—

"Oh." Sirius sucked in his breath, watching his brother as a few giggles erupted. "He didn't. No, he did."

"Your brother is..." James started saying.

"Absolutely adorable," Lily murmured.

"Uh, right," Sirius said, standing up as McGonagall attempted—

Regulus refused to comply, but then, any attempt by McGonagall to dislodge Regulus from hiding behind her ended up hindered by the fact Regulus kept sidestepping out of her point of view, not noticing he'd ended up more noticeable. She let out a sigh. "Mr. Black."

"I've got him, professor," Sirius said, swallowing, having come up all the way from his seat. He watched Regulus flinch, realizing Sirius had come to retrieve him. He reached out a hand while Regulus dodged, only for McGonagal to grab Regulus' shoulder instead.

"Please. Go with your older brother."

Sirius reached out, taking Regulus by his shoulders and guiding him over to the Ravenclaw table. "Really. I don't know what is going on, but..."

Any train of thought flew out of his head the moment he made eye contact with his cousin Narcissa, but the look on her face, the way she smiled cooly at him—

"Ugh. She's likely going to chew me out or something," Sirius said, getting Regulus to his seat. "Here. Here's your table, Reggie." He looked at the Ravenclaws there. "And if any of you mess with him?" He took a deep breath. "You will absolutely regret it."

"Sirius!" Regulus blustered out, turning to look at him, Regulus' usual panic there.

"And look at you?" Sirius said, ruffling Regulus' hair, resulting in the hair becoming a mess. "I knew you had a big head, Mr. Smarty-Pants!"

"Sirius," Regulus murmured.

"I'm heading back to my table now, so behave."

"That coming from you?"

The Four Interchanging Lives of Regulus Black (Harry Potter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now