♡ Chapter Five ♡

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The morning comes quicker than Lana wants it to, and her stomach ties itself in knots watching Marina spring to life from the covers. Lana spent the whole night chain smoking and hoping the sun wouldn't come out the next day. Maybe there'd be a storm or something, she thought to herself. Well, the strike of thunder and lightening never happened, never hit the house, never existed. The sun came out on schedule, 5 am, and Marina woke up within an hour of dawn. What a beautiful day. Lana fucking hated it.

"Put the cigarette down, Lana." Marina pushes the smoke down and onto the ashtray, pointing to the other one she already had lit. "Did you seriously go through my pack too?" Lana looks down at her white sheets and notices each spec of ash she sprinkled that fell upon herself. She quickly shakes them off with her hands, and allows them to scatter all over their hardwood flooring. "I'll vacuum that later." She says non-enthusiastically as she steps across the mess and decides to study her dark circles in the mirror. Marina doesn't want to follow, to disturb her even more, but she finds herself talking to the bathroom door anyway, in an attempt to cheer her up from God knows what the hell happened the night before. "We can visit my parents' house today after some errands, if that's what you want." Marina shushes herself enough to hear Lana's sobs from the sink. "Lana?" Marina quietly steps foot in the threshold, and slowly opens the door as quietly as possible. It wasn't shut all the way, so all she had to do was push it with a small force. She looks over to her girlfriend, who quickly wipes her face away and decides to skip makeup all together and just washes her face. "You're beautiful." Marina whispers as she wraps her arms around the girl's waist. Lana doesn't feel that touch without slightly pulling back in a jerk, but that's only because of the stimulants. Marina watches as Lana splashes her face with water once more, and she pushes her hair back as she does so. "After you, dearie." She says softly, and they both get dressed in simple pairs of jeans and tees.

Marina tries to drag Lana to everywhere in the city she's been missing since her stay at the hospital, not only because of her static days of keeping her energy welled up, but because she's slightly nervous of how Lana would react to her old room and parents. She distracts every time she gets, pulling her into stores, shops, cafes, anything to lessen their time at her parents' place. Lana's submissive enough to get drug along and not complain, but inside she seriously doesn't want to be trying on dresses or sipping salty tea. She just needs to see what Marina's ex-boyfriend looks like, so she can quit the panic going on in her mind. It was bad enough when the druggie man she used to be attached to who took her virginity a long mistake-filled time ago also took her tip in the cab home with Marina. And she really doesn't like the way he grabbed her wrist, or the way he spoke of things that shouldn't matter to her anymore that did. But she didn't think it was him outside their mansion... She didn't want to think that, either. He just took the money and went, she told herself repeatedly. Marina kept a fake smile upon Lana's face as she watched her effortlessly pull off outfits and makeup styles. Just please, she said to Marina in her head (though she wishes it was out loud), take me home.

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