♡ Chapter Two ♡

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Marina awoke to the bright lights of a hospital room, and the uncomfortable lumps of a mattress. Light surrounded her. Ironic, because an indefinite amount of time ago, she was surrounded by darkness, the one she thought was her friend.  She looks around the room, scanning for one person in particular. Lana. "Lana..." Marina began to whisper as she closes her eyes, the tears streaming as if she couldn't stop them. "Marina, sweetie, I'm here." Lana began as she rose up from the grey couch in the corner, stretching slightly before she pulled herself up, and walked towards Marina. Marina's arms were wrapped up, an IV dripping fluids into her, along with drugs to ease the pain of the wounds. Lana wiped away the tears that dropped down Marina's face, and leaned in, placing a kiss on her forehead. As her eyes closed, all Marina could see were the waves, crashing, suffocating, and destroying. Wincing as she clenched the white sheets in her fists, Lana was careful but quick to wrap Marina in her arms, and lay next to her. "I'll always be here, no matter what Marina. You're my one and only." The words began to patch what they could in Marina's heart as they always would. But, time would be needed to heal physically. "I know what I said before was wrong. I was wrong. You and I belong together, forever. I need you. I love you." Lana's voice rang through Marina's head, numbing the thoughts of what had happened before. "I love you too." Marina replied so naturally, so lovingly, as she felt Lana hold her close.

All my dreams and all the lights mean nothing if I can't have you.

A day or two went by, the ammount unknown truly to Marina. Same hospital, same food, same lumpy bed, same IV dripping fluids. But one thing helped all that for Marina, and that one person was Lana. She was there every second, to wipe away the tears and to tell her that she loved her. She sang to her, and sometimes, Marina joined in on it too. Marina, even before she met Lana for the first time that special day set up by their managers, was a huge fan. She still remembers how much of a fool she acted like, and even now it makes her cheeks flush with color. She couldn't take her eyes off Lana in the studio, in her beautiful white lace dress and heels. Lana's beauty even caused her to stutter, making a fool out of herself. Her cheeks flushed red as she thought about it more. "Marina, what are you blushing at?" Lana began, as she giggled. Lana's giggle was the most adorable thing Marina has probably heard, and it makes her smile. "Me being stupid when we first met." Marina began, smiling hard as she saw Lana's smile begin to perk up. "Oh, yes. You made a complete fool out of yourself, but I have to say, it was fucking adorable." Lana remembers it clearly, and as she thinks about it time to time, she wonders why they had not met before then. Lana was a fan of Marina as well, and a lot of their fans wanted them to do a duet together for a long time. She's even caught herself singing Marina's songs as she walks around, or even just cleaning the house. "It was utter embarrassment! How is that adorable?" Marina stated, her embarrassment and play grumpiness shining through her words as she crinkled up her nose and let out a fake humph. Lana giggled more as she reached over Marina delicately not to hurt her to receive her Diet Mountain Dew from the side table. As she took a sip, Marina began to sing Lana's own song to her.

Diet Mountain Dew, baby New York City, never was there ever a girl so pretty. Do you think we'll be in love forever, do you think we'll be in love?

Lana barely allowed the bubbly soda to go down her throat before she laughed, causing her to choke slightly. Marina's face quickly turned serious for a moment as she rubbed Lana's back, asking, "Are you okay sweetie?" and when Lana began to smile, Marina lightened up along with the mood. "When am I scheduled to get out of this place?" Marina asks, impatient to get back to their home. Their home before her attempt to float among the restless had been a place of bright lights with darkness lurking beyond each corner. Facing it won't be too hard, now that Lana will forever be by her side. That night in the descending dark, where heart break lay, was the final point for Marina, it was the moment she decided to find happiness in the dark, to find peace among the shadows. It was the moment she was elected prom queen back in the year 2003, which also happened to fall on her seventeenth birthday. She gladly walked up the line of classmates and peers to the stage, where she was presented her tiara. When her boyfriend's name was called, crickets sounded and the whole auditorium was silent. Frustrated, but not completely decomposed, she walked off the stage, tiara in hand, but as soon as she walked through the gymnasium doors, she began to run franticly. She waited close to her whole high school life to win this award with her boyfriend of 2 years, but when she heard noise coming from the janitor closet, she refused to believe it was him, until she finally built up the courage to push down the door handle and witness her boyfriend having sex with Carrietta, the one girl that has been bullying Marina for years. Carrieta clearly seemed happy about her and her boyfriend's rendezvous, and the smirk painted on her face along with her makeup was more than enough proof to show it. As Carrieta pulled up her panties and walked out the door, she made sure to bump into Marina on her way out, flicking her tongue like a venomous snake. Marina's heart fell to her stomach, clouds of tears filling her eyes and raining down. "You bitch. You interrupted me while getting it in with Carrie. Looks like you're going to have to finish what Carrie and I started." Thunder crashed as her boyfriend threw himself onto her, and Marina struggled with his body weight. Screaming and trying to squirm out of his grips, she found enough strength to kick her now ex-boyfriend right in between the legs, causing him to grunt with pain and loosen his grip. "Oh my god, you little whore!" He began to yell, as she struggled to get free from his grips, causing his wrath only to worsen. He began to rip through whatever fabric that held him back from Marina, with Marina kicking and screaming as loud as her lungs could, protesting every motive. "Help me! Please! Someone!" She felt she couldn't scream loud enough, his grips causing her arms to ache. She almost began to ponder the idea of giving up, until she saw the perfect opportunity. The can of cleaner lay to her right, and as he removed his left hand to unzip his pants, she quickly struck him up across the head, letting pain course through his veins, and adrenalin to course through her blood stream. She planted one more fatal blow in between his legs, and then took off, as fast as her high heels could take her, not taking any moment of her escape to take them off. Her legs carried her across the hallways decorated with school mascots now starring her down with their piercing complexions. She slammed the entry doors open, pushing her way through the crowd of smoking teenagers and rejects to the farthest end of the parking lot, where she would take refuge as she dialed her best friend Charli's number. "Charli..." Marina began, her voice breaking with sobs. "What is it? What happened? Are you okay?" Charli began, her voice stained with worry. "I think I'm okay, but I need you to come now and pick me up." Charli stayed on the phone with Marina up until the very moment she pulled into the high school's parking lot, and Marina flung herself into the silver SUV. "What happened Marina?" Charli began, but Marina quickly shot down the question with the assertive statement, "Get me out of here." Her eyes still ran streams down her face, and as Charli brought her into her house, Marina calmed down slightly. She was relieved she didn't have to sleep at her house, and that Charli was nice enough to allow her to make herself at home within the secure walls of her house.

Could never tell you what happened the day I turned seventeen.

She never truly told the truth of what happened that day to anyone except Charli, but that was soon going to change. Lana was her true love, and she deserves to know how her life unfolded, even if it does cause risk. "They're actually going to allow you to come out today, but they want you to take a business card for a psychiatrist, since you attempted to commit suicide." Psychiatrist? Marina believed she was pretty sane to begin with, besides the depression that eats her from the inside out on certain days. "I don't need a psychiatrist." Marina began, in denial. "I know, I know, but its protocol. You don't have to go. You always talk to me about everything." Lana said, smiling as she held Marina close to her. They still remained in the lumpy mattress provided by the hospital, but somehow Lana made the bed more comfortable, and Marina more content. "Well, there's only been one thing I have never told you about." Marina began this sentence, and as the last half of the sentence began to dance in the air, her tone softened. "What is it honey?" Lana inquired, concerned slightly. The only way she could see this conversation going is Marina cheating on her, but she knows Marina would never do such a thing. So, the topic remained a mystery until Marina began, tears slightly appearing in the corners of her eyes as she relives the memories of struggle and force. She poured her heart out into the air, and allowed it to dance aloud. As the story came to an end, Lana's grip tightened. Marina looks down at Lana as she straddles her, and sees the storm of tears being shared between the two, warming her once strangled heart. "I'm so sorry baby." Lana says as her grips furthers to get tighter, causing Marina to be smothered with her love. "It's okay, I'm fine now." Marina says, and she proceeds to wipe the tears out of Lana's eyes along with her own. "Now let's get out of here."

Baby put on heart shaped sunglasses, 'cause we're gonna take a ride. 

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