Two what!!

2 0 0

Saed dantatta residence

Noor's POV

When sadiq said he'll help me deceive my father I had many ideas but nothing in the jahanam could have prepared me for today

As always I woke up early due to a surplus of clients and backlog with had with the orders which needed sorting and other materials I needed to personally go through .

By 9:00am I was dressed clad in a black embroidered abaya with my white Hermes sandals and a matching white shoulder bag.

I headed downstairs to have breakfast with the fam when I realized only my brother was there weird am usually the last to arrive .

"Ya moh ina mummy and baba??"
I asked ya moh

" baba is in his parlor with some guest and mom is well —-

Before he could continue mom walked out of the adjacent kitchen with a dish plate full of cinnamon rolls
So that's where she was

" mummy ina kwana"
I said in my baby voice cause why not she flatters me

" noori your up early today and already dressed, am guessing work??"

"You guessed right and as a matter of fact I need to eat in ten minutes if I want to get there in time "

With that I pulled a chair and filled my plate with a satisfactory smile as i scarfed down my food okay don't judge it was so good am telling you .

I was done in record time as I finished and took my plate to the kitchen saying my good byes to ya moh and mummy of course

" meet your dad before you go noori oh and don't forget your adhkar and say your Duas"

That was mummy calling after me as I left

" okay mummy I won't forget love you "

Now back to reality where it begins to get crazy before I enter the parlor I hear three words that make me freeze literally

" I'm her boyfriend"
The voice sounded vaguely familiar and it doesn't take a genius to figure out who it freaking belongs to.

I enter the parlor with a sallam to baba not paying head to the young man clad in a white kaftan and zanna bukar cap looking all to dashing don't get me wrong sadiq is good looking okay he's fine-fine , I don't know if it's the caramel smooth skin what's he's skin care routine please I need it cause mehn or is it the perfect structured nose and chiseled jaw or maybe the light honey brown eyes which are a striking difference with my chocolate brown ones, who am I kidding as I said I payed no head to him but he sure did me and so did baba

" So this young man claims to be your boyfriend Noor"
That was baba and did you notice he said Noor not noori so he definitely has something to say

" uhm sadiq , baba what are you doing here"
I jumbled my words cause am actually surprised to see him here and also claiming to me my boyfriend when we haven't thought it through like, why is he here and this is why I knew I made a mistake god how stupid can I be associating my self with this nonsense god abeg .

" baba yes I know him"
I answered not really wanting to drag this on

" Oh that nice , he seems like a good boy I know his dad so when is the weeding sadiq?"


Wide eyed and for some reason thats only me and next I knew

" Inshallah two weeks ko noori "

Wide eyed literally gaping about to choke on saliva kind of shock pretty sure I did cause a hysterics of coughs flew out before I composed myself to say I was shocked was an understatement .

Two weeks
With him
Hell nahhh
What the jahanam
Okay cut the cameras
It's a prank right



" two what "
I said and dad looks at me and smiles

" then it's finalized sadiq you can tell your people to home for the gaisuwa and all while we start on the preparations since it already so close"

" I'll speak to Mustapha am sure he'll be pleased after all we do know each other"

That was baba giving the go ahead
And me too stunned to speak

I thought we where faking
I thought this was a game
Sadiq you better be joking right now as in nowww .

" okay then baba that's fine I've already told him am sure his expecting your call"
Baba did he just call my dad baba

" okay I'll give you guys space to talk Noor will see when you come back inshallah, I have a meeting in 30 minutes have a good day koh"

He said smiling at me and I just force one out and nod unable to speak and he leaves

When baba is gone I turn

" what in bloody hell did you just do"

" what I had to did you know that word is going round on the street that your getting hitched the arranged thing"
Sadiq asks , we'll okay I didn't know that

" what do you mean word is going round and how is that supposed to help pulling the im her boyfriend card"

He just smirks then says

" noori you really are oblivious aren't you word as in your dad was hitching you up with one son of one emir in Buachi, BAUCHI Noor can you imagine and we'll I realize if I wanted this plan to work I needed to make sure to kill those
rumors before it also affect me and our plans"

" I also want it to work sadiq but you just created a new bigger one and TWO WEEKS what makes you think I'll actually get married to you"
I ask cause I wanted to know
But he then turns to me and honey brown eyes go dark literally

" cause Noor you've got no other option it's either you agree to this or you agree to this"
He says and I didn't realize that he was literally a foot away from me and I could smell his our cologne and all that sappy stuff, girl get a grip
Your better than this I mentally remind my self

" and what if I don't you can't make me"
I say

" oh Noori I can and I will watch me"
He says with a smirk.
" but If you think about it I'm actually doing you a favor cause will hate for you to marry BAUCHI.

And that got me thinking he really is no get this straight it doesn't have to be a real marriage I mean I never planned to get married like commitment has always been an issue so it's good and as the saying goes the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know .

And i know sadiq his probably doing this so he also doesn't have to commit and that's fine with me . We get married , no love no felling my dad will forever leave the get married case, I don't have to care about commitment ever, no heartbreak and overall what could go wrong nothing.

So I thought.

The devil I don't know sadiq Mustapha shagari.


Hi lovies how are you all enjoying the book so far I haven't done an authors note in so long bear with me and thankyou for everyone that is giving this book a chance this is my first book it isn't anywhere near perfect I know so please I'll appreciate you all to be kind in the comments and offer ideas I could use.

Okay this is getting long
Love you susu💕

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13 ⏰

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