Chapter 21

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I stood there, frozen in place, watching Luca's SUV drive away. He denied knowing me to that woman he was with, after everything he had done to me. I was already furious after he once again ruined my date. How could he dictate who I went out with, only to deny knowing me when he himself was with other women?

I hadn't expected to run into him tonight. I wanted to give him a piece of my mind earlier, but I had been having too good a time with Kelsey. I had pushed the thought aside, thinking it would be best to face him sober or maybe just block him completely.

Seeing the beautiful woman on his arm, I felt a pang in my chest. She was stunning, her clothes oozing wealth, her long silky black hair looking like it had just come from a salon, her flawless makeup accentuating her face. She looked like a model, unlike me with my cheap clothes and now frizzy hair due to the humidity inside the bar. I felt like a troll doll compared to her.

I had overheard what the woman had said about Kelsey and me, calling us "stupid American women." The nerve of her. Clearly, she wasn't from around here, and by her accent, I guessed she was Italian. She and Luca were well-matched in looks and personality—both arrogant pieces of shit. Who did she think she was, calling us stupid just because we were drunk and having a laugh?

And Luca, the more I thought about him denying he knew me with that malice in his eyes, well, fuck him. I wasn't going to take his crap anymore. This was the last time he was going to walk all over me.

"You okay, sweetie?" Kelsey's voice brought me back to reality as she placed her hand on my arm. "Yeah, I'm fine," I replied, turning to her. "Come on, let's go dancing." I suggested, pulling her along while hailing a taxi.

We jumped into the first taxi that stopped, and the driver asked, "Where to, ladies?" "Luminex Lounge, please," I replied with perhaps a little too much enthusiasm. The encounter with Luca and his hussy had sobered me up almost instantly. I wanted to go in there and show that asshole that I wasn't going to let him push me around. I was going to show him that I could do whatever I wanted with whomever I wanted, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Kelsey looked at me with wide eyes, voicing her concern about getting in. "We may not get in there, Sienna," she said, it's a really hard place to get in to, unless you know someone in there, or the other option is to wait in line, which I don't fancy doing, she groans about waiting in the long line. "That's why I texted Marco," I replied with a wink. She grinned widely, acknowledging the good idea. "Let's hope he can get us in."

Just then, my phone pinged. Marco had gotten us on the VIP list. Thank you Marco,I thanked him silently. Then sent him a text thanking him and letting him know we were just there.

Arriving at the club we paid the taxi driver, thanking him, then walked straight up to the burly bouncers that were standing at the door, the glares and snide comments not going unnoticed by mostly ladies that were left queuing in line.

The bouncer scrutinizes us, "What's the name, ladies?" he inquires, holding out his guest list. "Marco," I reply. He smirks at me, then opens the red rope to let us pass. "Have a good night, ladies."

We stride in, heading straight to the VIP area. Marco spots us and comes over to greet us, leading us to his private booth. He's accompanied by a few of his friends, all of whom seem to be having a good time. The club is just getting started, so there aren't many people around yet, but judging by the line outside, it'll be packed soon.

We're introduced to Marco's friends, who all seem friendly enough. Some of them are quite good-looking too, with muscular, well-built physiques and perfectly styled hair. But out of all of them, Marco stands out as the best-looking. He has that cheeky look on his face, like he's always up to something, which only adds to his appeal. Maybe I should go for someone like him, I think to myself, to get Luca out of my head. Although, I wonder if Luca would do anything to Marco if I did—especially since he's Carlos' brother.

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