Chapter 23

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"Ugggh, my head," Kelsey groans as she enters the kitchen area, plopping herself down on the stool and resting her head on her arms on the counter.

She looked worse for wear, and I wasn't looking much better. I had just downed a large glasses of water and taken two painkillers. I had barely slept after everything that happened last night; the whole night was playing repeatedly in my head, especially when Luca pulled that bitch to his side. I still couldn't believe he had a fiancée. My heart clenched and my stomach twisted at the thought.

Suddenly, I rushed to the sink and puked up everything I had drank last night, including the large glass of water and painkillers I had just taken. My body shook and sweat poured from my face. "Jesus, Sienna, are you okay?" Kelsey came up behind me, rubbing my back gently as she held back my hair.

After emptying my stomach, I felt a little better. Perhaps taking the painkillers on an empty stomach wasn't a good idea. 'Yeah, nothing to do with the gallons of alcohol you drank last night,' my subconscious mocked me.

"Thanks, I feel a bit better," I say, turning on the tap to wash down the puke. Well, if you could even call it that—it was literally all liquid, probably mostly tequila. Kelsey steps back and goes over to switch on the coffee machine. She opens the cupboard, takes out two croissants, and places them in the microwave to heat up.

"Here, eat something," she says, placing the warm croissant in front of me and sliding a coffee beside it. "You need some soakage in you." I look at it, contemplating if I can even stomach it. Kelsey gives me that look: if you don't eat, I will force you.

"Thanks," I give her a meek smile as I take a small bite of my croissant. Although it smells good, it feels like paper in my mouth.

She smiles, "You're welcome. Oh god–I can't believe I have to go to work later." A pout forms on her lips.

"Yeah, me too. What time are you in?" I ask.

"4:30 pm," she says almost crying...

"I'm in at 4:00 pm, but I'm only in for a couple of hours as I'm covering for Kim, and then I'm off tomorrow." My voice holding no enthusiasm. I really could do without going in; I hate having a hangover. But Kim promised he'd cover my shift on Monday too, so I didn't mind too much. Now, if I could just get rid of this headache. My stomach was starting to feel a little better, thankfully, and I had managed a few bites of the croissant and a few sips of my coffee.

"Ooh, you lucky bitch. I'm in till 12:00 am. This is fucking shit," Kelsey fake cries, causing me to chuckle at her dramatics.

She then looks at me again. "You have a nice little shiner under your eye. People will think we must have beat each other up after having a domestic," she giggles.

I smirk at her. "Yeah, so do you. We can just say we took our role play a little too far." I say giving her a little wink after.

"Sienna," she gasps, putting her hand on her chest dramatically, "who is corrupting your mind?" A smile spreads across her face.

"I think that would be you," I say, grinning at her.

Her smile widens as she picks up her phone and starts scrolling through it. Suddenly, her smile vanishes.

"Oh, look at this. The Italian stallion and his fiancée," she says, in a mock tone, turning the phone to show me. The caption reads, 'LA's hottest bachelor Luca Cattaneo is off the market and engaged to Italian socialite Lucia Conti...'

God, they even had similar names with the same initials. The picture must have been taken when Luca pulled her to his side in the club last night. My heart pounded, I had to clench my fists, trying my best not to show any emotion as the truth slapped me in the face. He was engaged, and he used me.

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