Chapter 4: The white truck

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"TAMARA, WATCH OUT!" I yelled when i saw one of those horrible creatures standing behind her, ready to attack. Tamara heard me screaming and she turned around to see what was wrong and she saw the creature standing infront of her. She gasped and grabbed the bat that was laying in the car as fast as possible. She started to hit the creature over and over again. It was laying on the ground, trying it's best to get up. Tamara turned the bat around and she put the end of the bat right in it's head, inside it's brain so it couldn't get up anymore. It was dead. Tamara sighed in a relieved way. "God damnit." She said, gasping for air. She grabbed her phone out of the car, put the bat back, and closed the door of the car. She walked back inside of the hotel and turned on a light, and then she closed the doors of the hotel. Luckily the light was still working.

"Are you okay?" I asked in a worried way and she nodded. "Alright, i have a plan. I'm going to contact your friends Amelia and Amy, while you search for a mop, a broom, and other cleaning supplies, alright? We're going to clean this place up." Tamara recommended. "Yeah, sounds like a good idea." I said. "What's Amy's number?" Tamara asked while she turned her phone on and i tried to remember. After a few seconds, i rememberd and gave her the number.


Tamara called the number of Amy first, but there was no reply. She tried a few times more while Elly was trying to find cleaning supplies. After a while of searching, she found a storage room and luckily it was open and not locked. When she opened the door, she saw all kinds of cleaning supplies. A mop, a vacuum cleaner, a broom...all kinds of stuff. Even a sink to get water. She decided to get everything ready while Tamara was still trying to contact Elly's friends, but no matter how many times she tried, there was no reply. She sighed. She knew Amelia, so of course she was worried. The last thing she could do was text their numbers, so she did.

"Hello Amelia. I hope you are safe. I'm with your friend Elly right now, she is safe. I hope you can answer soon, we are worried about you." Was the message she sended to Amelia.

"Hello, this is Tamara Jones. I'm a police officer and i'm with your friend Elly right now. She is safe and i hope you are too. If you are, please contact me. Elly is worried about you." Was the message she sended to Amy.

She put her phone away again, in her pocket, and decided to sit on a chair while waiting for Elly to finish. After a few minutes, she was finished. She filled a bucket with water, she had a sponge, a broom, a vacuum cleaner, and much more. "I hope this is enough." She groaned while putting the bucket of water on the floor. "Have you contacted them?" She asked in a bit of a worried way but Tamara shaked her head. "I tried to, many times, but they aren't answering." She said which made Elly extremely sad and worried. She sighed and sat on a chair next to Tamara. It got quiet and Elly was sitting on the chair with her arms crossed, almost crying a bit. Tamara saw how much it hurted her. "Hey, i'm sure they are fine. Maybe they lost their phones like you did?" Tamara said with a smile and tried to give her hope again, but it didn't.

"I loose everything. My mother, my father, now maybe my friends...i don't understand." Elly said while a tear rolled down her cheek and Tamara sighed. "It's not your fault. Like i said, life is like a big question mark." She said. Elly started to sob with her hand covering her mouth so Tamara wouldn't hear it, but she did. She didn't really know what to do because she wasn't very well at comforting people, but she tried to think about what to do. "Should i give you a hug?" She asked which shocked Elly a bit. She removed her hand from her mouth and turned her head at Tamara. She nodded. Tamara got off of the chair and walked to Elly, giving her a hug. Obviously, Elly hugged back. "I'm sure they are okay." She said and then she let go off Elly again. "Thank you." Elly said with a smile while wiping her tears away and Tamara smiled back.

"I'm hungry." Elly said when she heard her stomach rumble. She hadn't eaten since last night, that was like 18 hours. She didn't have breakfast or lunch. "After cleaning i'll try to fix something, okay?" Tamara promised which made her happy. "Let's take a look at the bedroom." Tamara said. Elly got off of the chair and they both walked to the bedroom."Where did you leave the key?" Tamara asked and Elly took it out of her heel. That was honestly smart, since she didn't have any pockets. Elly unlocked room 103 and they were shocked at what they saw. It was extremely dirty. Cobwebs everywhere, dust everywhere, rotten food on a plate, the blankets had stains on them, and much more. "Ugh, gross. We definitely need to clean it before we sleep here." Elly said and Tamara agreed.

After a while, they were cleaning everything. The whole hotel. Tamara was cleaning the showers, she was changing the blankets on the beds, she was mopping the bedrooms and the cafeteria, while Elly vacuumed the bedrooms and the hallways, she cleaned the windows, and she cleaned the toilets. While they were cleaning the hotel, Tamara who was standing by the windows saw a big white truck parking by the hotel which made her curious, so she put the mop back into the bucket of water and walked outside the hotel to see who it was. She waited for the person to come out of the truck and when the person came out, she saw it was her sister, Victoria. "Victoria! Oh my god, i'm so glad you are safe." Tamara said while running to her sister and giving her the biggest hug ever. Victoria hugged back. "I'm glad you are safe aswell." Victoria said with a bright smile on her face. They let go off each other and Victoria walked towards the truck.

"I have a surprise for you." She said while she opened the back of the truck, revealing everything Tamara, and Elly of course, needed right now. So much food such as fruit, eggs, bread, and more, drinks such as milk, water and lemonade that were standing in a cool bag, alot of clothes, blankets, and much more. Tamara's eyes went wide and she was in shock. " did you get all of that!?" She asked in a shocked way while walking closer to the truck to look at it better. "I know you are a police officer and i'm not allowed to steal...but do those rules still count?" Victoria asked in a jokely way while chuckling. "I went to the ikea, some clothing stores and some supermarkets to get all of this." She explained. Tamara was still in shock. Victoria noticed that behind Tamara there was a girl. She was wearing a red dress and black heels, and she was walking towards the truck. "Who is this girl?" Victoria asked and Tamara turned around. It was Elly. "This is Elly. I'm taking care of her for now, sort of." Tamara explained and Victoria nodded.

"Hey, i'm Elly. You're Tamara's sister, right?" Elly introduced herself while shaking Victoria's hand. "Yes i am. I'm Victoria, it's a pleasure to meet you, young lady." Victoria said with a smile. "Thank you so much for doing this, Victoria. It means alot." Tamara said with a bright smile while Elly just looked at the truck. "Did she get all of this for us?" She asked and Victoria nodded. "Yes, that's right." She said with a smile. Elly started to smile aswell. "Thank you."

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