Chapter 9: Life saver

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It was around 15:30 and everybody in the hotel was still asleep, or well, not everybody. Victoria just woke up around 15:20, but no one knew she was awake. She was in the bathroom and was planning on taking a shower, but when she wanted to turn on the shower, she rememberd the water wasn't working. "Agh fuck." She said in a annoyed tone. She hasn't showered for days and she felt very dirty. The only way to wash herself was with bottles of water. She sighed and walked out of the bathroom, towards the cafeteria to grab some water bottles. She openend the fridge and there were alot of water bottles, around 16, but it wasn't even enough for a few days because there were 4 people in the hotel, they needed around 3 water bottles to wash themselves everyday, and they also needed water to drink. For today and tommorow it was enough tho, but not for the rest of the week probably. She grabbed 3 water bottles and took them to the bathroom to wash herself.

After she washed herself and got ready for the day, she saw that her sister Tamara was awake too. "Tamara, you have to bring more water bottles to the hotel today." Victoria said as she walked towards Tamara. "Alright, sure, but i'll wash myself first." Tamara said and Victoria nodded. After about a hour, Tamara was finished with everything she needed to do. She got ready for the day and she was finally wearing other clothes than a police uniform. She was wearing a white blouse with jeans. "Make sure you take a gun with you, Tamara." Victoria said. "Yes, i will." Tamara said while she walked towards the exit of the hotel and grabbed a shotgun out of one of the gun bags. She grabbed bullets aswell. She walked towards the doors of the exit and removed the shotgun from between the door handels. "I'll be back soon." Tamara said and Victoria nodded. "Be careful." She said.

Tamara walked out of the hotel with the doors closed behind her and searched for a supermarket somewhere near by. She was walking through a small park, until she heard a sound near her. It was the sound of something rustling through the bushes, but it wasn't something small like a bird, it was something big which made her heart race. She held her gun at the place where the sound was coming from, but then she heard something growling behind her. Tamara turned around slowly and saw it was one of them. One of the blood infecters. Her eyes went wide while the creature jumped on top of her, and drooled on her face. It was disgusting. She tried to push the blood infecter off of her, but it was too strong, so she had to shoot it. She pointed her gun into it's mouth and shot it which hurted the creature alot. It got off of her and began screaming in pain while Tamara ran away as fast as she could.

She kept running, scared the creature was chasing her. She was running through a junk yard but while she was running, she tripped over something. Something that cut her leg really bad. "FUCK!" She yelled loudly while groaning of the pain. She got dizzy and she couldn't stand up anymore. She laid on her back and looked at her leg. There was blood everywhere on her right leg, but she couldn't see the wound very well. She kept groaning of the pain and luckily somebody heard it. A man came running towards her and saw the blood on her leg. "Holy shit, are you alright!?" He asked in a worried way while he got on his knees and looked at the wound. It was bleeding extremely bad, and the thing that cut her probably had hit a vein. He rolled up her pants by her right leg and looked at the wound. "Holy shit..." He said. The wound was atleast 4 cm wide and 6 cm deep or something. He took off his jacket and ripped off a piece of it, then he put it around her leg as tight as possible like a bandage.

"Where do you live? I can take you home!" He said while he lifted her up, knowing she wasn't able to walk for now. "The hotel that's near by." She said. She was obviously in pain. "Okay, okay. I'll take you there." He said. He began walking towards the hotel as fast as he could, and after a few minutes he arrived. He got inside without permission, not knowing other people lived there, and laid her down on the floor. Victoria heard somebody came inside so she decided to check it out and saw a stranger with Tamara. "Excuse me? Who are you?" Victoria asked in a confused way. "I'm Tom Welhaven, your friend or whoever she is, she got hurted bad." He explainend while taking the piece of his jacket off, and seeing it was still bleeding. "Grab a first aid kit!" He yelled at Victoria and she did exactly what he said. While Victoria was grabbing a first aid kit, Elly came out of her room and saw Tamara and Tom. Her eyes went wide when she saw the wound on Tamara's leg. "Tamara!" She yelled while running towards her.

"Tamara are you okay!?" She asked in a worried way and Tamara nodded carefully, still feeling extremely dizzy. After a few seconds, Victoria came back with a first aid kit and gave it to Tom. "Thanks." He said. After Tom took care of her, he laid her down on her bed in room 103 so she could rest. "Thank you." She said when Tom was about to walk away. "It's not a problem. I'm Tom by the way, Tom Welhaven." He said, introducing himself. "I'm Tamara Jones." Tamara introduced herself aswell. "Are you feeling a bit better?" He asked and she shrugged. It still hurted alot. "I'm not sure." She said. It stayed quiet for a few minutes and he walked back towards the bed and sat next to her on the bed. "Where do you live?" She asked out of curiosity and he shrugged. "I don't know, i'm homeless since those things came into our world. I payed alot for that house and those fuckers destroyed it." He said in a jokey way which made Tamara chuckle. "If you want, and the rest of the group is okay with it aswell, you can live in the hotel aswell?" She recommended which made Tom very happy.

"That would mean alot to me. Thank you." He said with a smile.

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