Ah, the mushroom kingdom, a kingdom that has many places and is ruled by princess peach unfortunately, it is the target of attack for the evil king Bowser who tries to over the kingdom multiple times, but every time Mario and his brother Luigi have save the kingdom from Bowser's reign many times. This is all the legends told about the kingdom of how the paper world in the real world collided, and how some allies came to spend summer break and ended up going on adventure.
We John Drago, in the mane six in his mansion, deciding where to go.
Drago: guys, I've got idea of where we can go for summer break!
Twilight: well, what do you got?
Drago: we're gonna spend the summer break in the mushroom kingdom!
Sunset: is that even possible?
Drago: it's possible thanks to the portal I have in the basement I just need to set the coordinates up.
Rainbow: oh man, I can't wait to see Milo again and does some level
Drago: it's not gonna be exactly the same. This is the Mario and Luigi world of the mushroom kingdom.
Rainbow: what's the difference ?it's the same thing!
Drago: they have a significant difference in the one that we were transported to. That was the normal level structure. This one's more of an RPG..
Rainbow: still cool though.
Drago: all right girls you better pack your bags because tomorrow we're leaving
The next morning the girls arrived at the mansion with their bags, and after eating a good breakfast, they went down to the basement to travel to the mushroom kingdom.
Drago: all right, is everyone ready?
Main six: yes
Drago: all right, now I must type in the coordinates* types in the coordinates*
Then the portal started powering up in the in the middle of it a portal appeared
Drago: let's ride!
Everyone jumped into the portal and we're traveling to the mushroom kingdom
Rarity: does Meijer even though we're coming for summer break?
Drago: don't worry he knows I called ahead to make sure.
Then everyone dropped out of the portal landing in front of peaches castle where Mario was waiting for them.
Mario: oh I see you guys have arrived. Welcome to peaches castle
Drago: thank you Mario let's go inside
As Mario in the group went inside, Mario got them to the throne room and they're sitting on the throne was a girl that has blue eyes. She has blonde hair which reaches her waist in length with two sideburns and a heart‐shaped bang covering her forehead. She usually puts it into a ponytail for most of her more active appearances. She also wears a pair of sapphire earrings, peach‐colored lipstick, and mascara. Her primary outfit consists of a floor-length pink dress with short puffy sleeves, a dark pink raised collar, hem, and panniers, and a sapphire brooch set in gold. Accompanying it are a golden crown with four jewels set in gold—one ruby at each of the front and back and one sapphire at each side (as a matter of fact, Peach's emblem is her crown), white evening gloves with scalloped openings, and red high heel pumps, Her name is Princess peach ruler of the mushroom kingdom.
Peach: greetings, everyone Mario has told me that you'll be spending your summer break here
Drago: that is correct your highness*bows*
Peach: No need for formalities you can call me peach and no need to bow
Drago: sorry you're a princess. I treat them like royalty.
After interesting everyone peach , want to show everyone a book that she found in the Kingdom archives.
Drago: what does it say?
Peach: it says:The Colorful Quest of Paper Mario: A Tale like No Other.
Drago: that's a weird thing to have in the archives.
Pinkie: well, let's open it and see what's inside!
Drago: Pinkie! No!

Drago and Equestria Girls Paper Jam
FanfictionThis is a fanfiction about a Hero named Drago decide to take his friends to the mushroom kingdom for summer break unfortunately, a book was Open releasing the paper, Mario world into the mushroom kingdom Now Drago and his Friends will team up with M...