The Final Battle:Team Mario versus Bowser and Paper Bowser

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After Papercraft fire, Mario defeated the Papercraft Bowser and the team went to all the bosses. They previously battled. They were ready to face the final showdown  against the two Bowser's.

Paper Bowser: well, well well I guess we'll have to do this ourselves!

Bowser: your stubbornness is extremely annoying... But at least we had plenty of time to come up with a plan.

Drago: oh yeah and what's your genius plan?

Paper Bowser: first we're gonna beat you, next, we're going to trap you in this book, then we're gonna throw the book in the garbage...

Bowser: and light the garbage and fire!!!! That way, we'll never have to see your stupid faces again and the mushroom kingdom will be mine!

Paper Bowser : I sure hope you meant OURS just then.

Bowser: I meant said you got a problem with that?!

Paper Bowser: you bet I'm taking over this world!

Drago: just try us!

Paper Bowser: So Mario.....

Bowser: And other Mario and Luigi.....

Paper Bowser+ Bowser: LET'S DO THIS!!!!!!!!!

The Bowser started the battle by shooting fireballs and  chucking Play the balls at the heroes probably avoided tax and started using the battle cards consisting of: lowering the level by 10, increases the POW, negating several attacks by using a barrier, and finally increasing the damage output to the maximum stat. After a while, the Bowser's decided to enact the ultimate plan...

Bowser: you think that hurts?

Paper Boswer: is there enough of a warm up? Shall we crush them now?

Bowser: yes, let's crush them now! now let's go ALL OUT!

Then paper, Bowser start to fuse with the enemies of the mushroom kingdom, creating a giant ball of paper. Then Bowser  jumped into it. They merged it looks like a giant Bowser's with Arianna, his head he dubbed himself: shiny Robo Bowser!

Shiny Robo Bowser: Time to do something super devious!

Shiny Robo Bowser then use his helmet to mind control twilight!

Twilight: it's time to finish you off

Drago: Twilight, What are you doing? This isn't you twilight!

Twilight: It is me I'm just using my power to their full potential!

Drago: Twilight remember who you really are you are the leader of our team!

Just then twilight broke out of the mind control!

Twilight: you would never control my mind now I am in full control of myself

Shiny Robo Bowser: that's it. Time to finish you  all off!

Shiny Robo Bowser then jumped back and formed his arms in the cannons and fire off balls of energy and fire balls.

Mario: let's do this!

The all the faces of balls back at Shiny Robo Bowser and then he started to explode

Shiny Robo Bowser: no, how can I be your friend by you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And just like that, the Mario Brose has save the mushroom kingdom with a Little help from my friends!

End of episode

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